Basics of Sewing with a Pattern

Choosing a pattern can be enough in itself to make someone shy away from using them, but all in all finding a pattern is pretty easy. A lot of fabric stores put out catalogs with pictures of the finish product and extra information about the patterns,each catalog usually contains patterns for one manufacturer. If you selecting a pattern out of the catalog find the pattern number then go select it from the shelf or bins, which are usually grouped by numbers. Once you have selected you pattern you need to look at the back of the pack. The back of most pattern packets contains a lot of needed information such as sizing charts, yardage, fabric suggestions, etc. Now depending on what type of pattern you have chosen you may or may not have to chose a size. If your pattern does require you pick between sizing, always go by the size chart that they provide. Pattern sizes vary from company to company and can often run much larger or smaller than normal clothing sizes. The next thing that you will need to take notice of is the yardage chart, this may be a separate chart or may be combined with another. Either way this is the chart that will tell you how much fabric you will need to complete the project. Also sometimes the back of the pattern packet will tell what type of notions are needed and offer suggestions on types of fabrics to use.
Now it’s time for the hard part, actually using your new pattern, when you open the packet do not be intimidated by all of the pieces and instructions. Take one step at a time, the first thing to do is to find the instructions and to read them completely at least one time before trying anything. After reading through the instructions find you pattern sheets and spread them out, at this point the pieces have not been cut out yet and should be in sheets. Locate to the pieces that you will need for your item being sewn and then cut out the pattern pieces that you need (refer to the directions to make sure you are cutting along the right lines). Once all of the needed pattern pieces have been cut out lay them to the side for later. Take you fabric and lay it out, be sure to refer to the instruction for this part also because some may call for the fabric to be folded are turned a certain way. Retrieve your pattern pieces and lay them out on the fabric the correct way, pay attention to the way your pieces are turned especially if your working with a fabric that has stripes or other things that will need to be matched up after being sewn together. After the pieces are in place pin them down so they will not shift while you are cutting. Cut out all of pieces leaving the patterns pinned to them so they will not get mixed up before you are ready to start sewing.
With everything cut out and placed aside all you have to do is start sewing, instructions on how to sew your piece together should have been included with the pattern. Take your time and read the directions carefully, a lot of time the instructions can be confusing and often need to be read more than once. If you feel yourself getting frustrated take a break and start again later. Do not rush and enjoy your sewing project, sewing even with a pattern should be and can be a enjoyable experience.