Bathroom Makeover for Less Than $15

When we moved into this home one of the first things that generated the “eewww factor” was the bathroom. While the master bath was passable with few changes the other bath – which is used more often – was yellow. Not just yellow walls, but yellow sides to the shower and yellow shower curtain. As usually happens, time and money don’t happen at the same time – but with some adjustments and a view of a unique look the change was major.
The bath had a marine look – which we accented in buying a $3 decorative throw and hung on the outside of the shower curtain to minimize the yellow. We’d found some paint in the storage room – white and dark blue, which we mixed until we came up with a workable blue. Without having a roller we went for a different look – painted with a paintbrush to get the color on the wall then taking a sponge (which I found 12/$1 – we used 3) and dabbing it to create a different look that lets a little of the base yellow come through but not overpowering. We removed two of the marine cutouts and once a solid base paint was down in the room the entire look was changed. A salvaged (free) section of blue carpet was laid down on the floor, more as a rug than tacked carpet. The green counter we can’t do much about but softened the change with another different look, which continued around the bottom of the floor. Plastic sections that looked like rocks – another salvage find (used around mobile home and other setups to give a rock appearance) were cut and the bottom edge is rock look. Several “rocks” were cut out and attached to the off white cupboard. A trip to the thrift store found two decorative lighthouses and a gold fish – roughly 50 cents each. The counter and accessories got a good cleaning as well as the sink, faucet, toilet and tub. A medicine cabinet – which was rusted and spruced up with paint to match the walls – was a couple dollars, and hangs over the sink. A clearance at Dollar General brought a metal bin and a small catchall that was two small pails with a handle – $1.50 and $1 respectively, both blue/green) – while at the store a package of stickers of small fish was found for $1 – the stickers were put on the pails and on one side of the metal bin. The other side is clear for when we find stickers for whales or other larger marine animals – which will let a little variety happen at no additional cost. Other accessories included an incense burner ($1), oil potpourri container (39 cents), oil potpourri ($1) and stick incense $1. These were extra – but the “carribean breeze” incense helps the air in the bathroom as well as highlighting the marine theme with scent. An old toilet seat with tropical fish on it was cleaned up and rests on the ledge of the medicine cabinet.
While it didn’t change the shower yellow liner that isn’t as noticed if the curtain is closed with the dolpins showing. A small shelf is on tap (estimated $2) to get the knick nacks on a shelf rather than on the counter. There is room also to hang a few accent pictures of marine life should those be found inexpensively. Another option – using some large shells on the shelves once installed – we have a few large shells that could be better fitted there.
This isn’t something that will ever grace the pictures of “Southern Living” or “Modern Architecture”. But for very low cost it makes a bathroom a little more pleasant without having hundreds of dollars at disposal. It took a couple hours to do the painting, leaving it thoroughly to dry then hanging the medicine cabinet took but a few minutes; the whole project was less than an afternoon of time. For an afternoon and under $15 it was a good, economical project that made it much easier on the eyes and preference for us.