Battle of the Buldge
There is no quick fix to obesity. This simple statement is something that the weight loss industry doesn’t want you to understand. They want you to buy there programs and products for “rapid weight loss”. This industry is making billions of dollars annually on your failure to loss the weight. As you always see in small print: results not typical. The best way to lose this weight and to get healthier is to put down the burger and get moving. You need to start making healthy meals for you and your family, containing foods from the simple pyramid chart. You need to go on a family walk/bike ride.
You need to get out there and “play” with your kids. We need to get up and get out there to be an inspiration for our young ones to get healthier. Statistics show all you have to do is move a little more and eat a little less. Weight loss will be slow this way, but it is guarenteed to be more effective and longer lasting. A simple cardio exercise plan like a walk, a jog, dancing in the yard with your kids will be effective. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, dairy, higher in fiber, and lean cuts of meats is the healthy choice. The battle of the buldge is right here and it isn’t going to just go away. In order for us to win this battle, we must stand up in the front line and fight. This is not only a fight for our lives but is is a fight for our kids lives! Get up and get moving. Put down the remote. Walk to the mailbox. Park farther away from the store. Slow down and enjoy your lives and take just a few moments every day to improve your health. We as a nation, will win this battle: One household at a time.