Be First to Get Cyber Monday Electronic Deals Online

The buzz lately in the news is all about Black Friday and Thanksgiving Day, when certain retailers have chosen to open early in the morning on the holiday, trying to get a jump on all the holiday shoppers willing to wait in line in the wee hours of the morning for electronic deals.
After all, Wal-Mart recently released their Black Friday mailer, quite the buzz online with its reported savings on electronics like iPad mini devices for only $299 each, valid on November 28th only.
Those sales are fine if you’re the type who doesn’t mind being in the crowd, risking their life to snatch a Black Friday bargain – but what about those who prefer to steal their deals via Cyber Monday savings?
Here are some of the tips I’ve learned as an online journalist on how to find great deals, many times before lots of other people find them:
#1 – Check the “What’s Hot” list has this “What’s Hot” list that shows some of the hottest and most buzzed-about links online, updated every five minutes. That’s how I find companies that are giving out free samples, because those are usually the most trafficked URLs out there.
It will be no exception on Cyber Monday, so go there first to see the websites that lots of other people are hitting up, and no doubt you’ll find plenty of online bargains.
#2 – Sign up for mobile alerts, press releases and emails
Nearly every hour I get mobile text alerts from the Twitter handle for the official Deals Twitter account – the one account I’ve given access to my cell phone number to tweet me deals right to my phone. Sign up and get those tweets – if you don’t mind near hourly texts. They’ve been picking up in frequency as the holidays approach.
Sign up everywhere you can where the big guys offer newsletters, be they Amazon press releases, or email newsletters from Wal-Mart, Target, Apple – any retailer you trust that offers you a place to pop your email address, and check your email often on Cyber Monday to learn the great deals.
#3 – Make Google Alerts your friend
If you’re looking for specific electronic deals and know the retailer you want a heads up about, set up “Google Alerts” by putting things like the following search terms (exactly as they appear, quotes and all) in the search query field:
“cyber Monday”
You can set the “How often” field to “as-it-happens” to get only results from those websites you enter emailed to you as you choose. If you don’t want the emails anymore, you can always choose to delete the alert.
Happy shopping!