Be Patriotic! Make a Fourth of July Wreath for Your Home!

The Nation’s Birthday is soon upon is. Show your patriotism by flying the flag proudly at your home and make a fourth of July wreath to hang on your front door. This is a craft that is easy to make that children could have fun making. Children will need supervision with some of the project as it does require the use of a glue gun, and glue guns use hot glue.

For this project you will need:

a wreath of your liking
red, white and blue ribbon, about 1 inch thick and about two feet long to be sure you have enough
at least six small American flags
six small wooden stars
red, blue and white acrylic paint
a foam paintbrush
blue, red and white cardstock (one sheet of each)
fancy cut scissors (like the type scrapbookers use)
a calligraphy pen
glue gun
glue gun sticks
a glue stick for glueing (like from an office supply store)

Begin by protecting the surface you are working on by covering it with newspaper. Lie your wreath down and get the ribbons out. You will be wrapping the ribbons around the wreath and then glueing the edges of the ribbon to the wreath. I suggest you wrap two of the ribbons in one direction, but not so close together that they are on top of each other. Wrap the other ribbon in the other direction. This will almost make the ribbons look like they are braided around the wreath, at least they will be crisscrossed around the wreath. You want the ribbons to go once around the wreath and then cut the ribbon off. You will probably have some extra ribbon. Once they are wrapped, glue gun the edges of ribbon to the wreath to keep the ribbons in place.

Now take your six wooden stars and paint two of them red, two of them blue and two of them white on one side. Put them to the side and let them dry. Once they have dried you will be adding them to your wreath.

Then take the six American flags and arrange them on the wreath, arrange them with an even amount of space between them. Leave some room at the top of the wreath for you to put a small blue cardstock rectangle. This rectangle could say something like “God Bless America” or “America The Beautiful” or “Happy Fourth of July”. Arrange your American flags and then glue them down to the wreath.

If your stars are dry now, add them to the wreath. Consider adding them in a pattern, going from one red star and then a flag and then a blue star and then a flag and then a white star. You can do a pattern or just put the stars on in any way that you would like to.

Now you will make your blue rectangle out of cardstock. As mentioned above, the rectangle will say something patriotic. Consider making your rectangle about three to four inches long and two inches wide. To make it look extra pretty, cut it with fancy scissors. Write your patriotic saying with a calligraphy pen, or a metallic pen to make it look special. Now cut out a rectangle in white that is a little larger and use a glue stick to glue the rectangles together. Next cut out a rectangle in red cardstock that is larger than the white rectangle and glue all of the rectangles together. Then glue gun the patriotic sign down onto your wreath.

Your wreath is now ready for the fourth of July! Enjoy the holiday!

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