Be Your Own Boss: Reasons to Start an Office Cleaning Business

Starting an office cleaning business is simple, and requires little start-up capital. The only expense involves buying supplies and advertising. Fortunately, cleaning supplies are cheap, and it costs even less to pass out flyers or advertise in local newspapers. Because most business professionals are busy, they are willing to pay a company or individual to clean their offices. Here are five reasons why you should start an office cleaning business
Profitable Business Offering Unlimited Income
As a business owner, you decide how big you want the business to grow. For example, if a smaller operation is preferred, you may decide to clean the offices yourself or hire one or two employees. On the other hand, some owners have goals of building the office cleaning business into an extremely profitable, well-known company. In this instance, you might consider buying into a cleaning franchise.
Franchises are very expensive. Moreover, business owners must adhere to strict guidelines pertaining to advertising, prices, cleaning supplies, etc.
Besides, franchises are not necessary for making a nice profit. On average, small office managers and owners are willing to pay a cleaning service $100 to $200 a week for a basic cleaning such as removing trash, vacuuming, cleaning windows, and disinfecting bathrooms. After an initial heavy cleaning, each successive cleaning is a touch-up. With this said, smaller offices are usually fully cleaned within an hour.
Office cleanings occur after the business has closed for the day. Thus, you or your cleaning crew can enter the building and clean anytime between 6:00 PM and 7:00 AM. The typical pay for a cleaning crew is $6 to $10 an hour.
Make Money Right Away
Because many companies and small offices are always in search of office cleaning professionals, finding contracts is simple. Nonetheless, you must be willing to put in a little footwork. Posting flyers and advertising is effective. However, if looking for immediate contracts that will start bringing in cash by the beginning of next week, print up a few business cards, informational sheets, and introduce yourself to business owners.
If a client is interested in your service, tour the office and inquire about their expectations. Based on the client’s needs, present a realistic quote. Some offices require daily cleanings, whereas others only need cleaning once a week. A single day’s cleaning may range from $25 to $100, depending on the size of the office.
Establish Your Own Hours
Office cleaning professionals have the power to set their own work hours. You can work as little, or as much as you like. Moreover, you may choose to manage the business, while other people do the cleaning. In this case, you would need to hire an office cleaning crew. Because office cleaning crews involve high-turnovers, business owners must be prepared to fill-in when a worker is ill or suddenly quits. Prior to opening your cleaning service for business, obtain a business license and insurance.
Low Start-up Cost
Office cleaning businesses can be up and running with little out-of-pocket expense. Supplies required include:
– Disinfected Cleaner (Clorox, Windex, bleach, etc)
– Duster
– Vacuum
– Mop
– Bucket
– Broom and Dust Pan
– Toilet Brush
– Trash Bags
Potential Office Cleaning Clients
Any small or large office business is a potential client. Initially, you may want to begin with smaller offices and gradually grow your business to include bigger offices. Prospective clients include:
– Chiropractic offices
– Dentists offices
– Other Medical offices
– Real Estate offices
– Hair Salons
– Childcare Centers