Beach Road by James Patterson: A Great Summer Read with A Great Ending

Beach Road, by James Patterson and Peter de Jonge, is exactly what you want a summer book from James Patterson and Peter de Jonge to be: page-turning, suspenseful, edge of your seat stuff that really keeps you scanning at a frantic pace until the very end. I spent the entire read thinking that I had it all figured out, only to find out that I never would have guessed it in a million years, and my hunch is, neither will you.

I flew through this book. Seriously, I read it in two days. And I have to say, I cared about almost every single character by the time I turned the last page. Everyone has a past and everyone’s future is forever changed by the events that take place in the Hamptons one hot, summer night after a neighborhood feud. I was totally invested in this book, and the murder investigation within these pages would make anyone feel the same way.

I recommend this book whole-heartedly as a great summer read with a great summer ending. You’ll be entertained for the length of the book and if you’re anything like me, you’ll be searching through your paperbacks and hardcovers to see if there are any other James Patterson books that you haven’t read yet. I would say overall, this was an enjoyable read with a diverse cast of characters and motives abound.

Happy Investigating!

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