Beating Snow and Power Outages in New England

In New England, snowstorms are commonplace, especially in Vermont and northern NH and Maine. The question in many minds is not, “How much snow will we get?” but rather, “Am I ready?” More often than not, snowstorms also bring with it power outages, caused by high winds and frozen lines. So, what does one need to ride out the next Nor’easter?

Life Essentials

Life essentials will include bottled water, ready-to-eat items and numerous blankets. When creating a list of life essentials, makes sure you plan on getting supplies for at least a week. Remember that most power crews are bogged down with the high amount of work it takes to restart the grid.

Get at least 72 bottles of water, as each person should consume an average of 64 ounces per day. Mathematically, 72 16.9 oz bottles will satisfy a two-person family for over a week.

Ready-to-eat foods should include energy bars, canned foods, peanut butter, breads and even dried fruits. Canned foods should be foods that do not require refrigeration or heat, such as Chef Boyardee or other pasta-based canned goods. Canned fruits and veggies are ideal.


So, let’s be real for a minute. If you’re without power, you’re without means to refrigerate or heat. First, make sure you have a stockpile of wood/pellets (if you happen to have a wood stove/pellet stove). If you have a generator, ensure you have a good amount of gas to last a week. If you have neither, get a generator.

Use the natural cold to keep your food cold/frozen. The reality is if you are heating the residence and the fridge isn’t working, your food may spoil. I would suggest placing items on your back porch or near the entryway for easy access once power is restored.

Tools and Accessories

Lighting is always important, so ensure you have either a lot of candles, or flashlights and batteries. I personally find candles romantic for couples stuck inside. Secondarily, make sure you have shovels to help yourself out of the great white hills that will likely strand you. Thirdly, have a way to entertain yourself, such as books, board games or card games. Factually, there will be no electronics, so you may have to resort to old-time traditions.

Lastly, the greatest tool you can have is a prepared mindset and clarity of thought. This has happened in the past, and it will happen again. Have fun with it! Reconnect with your loved ones and draw closer as a family.

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