Beautiful Flowers that Attract Songbirds

Did you know you can plant flowers in your yard that will attract beautiful songbirds? You can listen to the sweet music of songbirds by planting the flowers songbirds love. Songbirds will visit your yard from late spring until late autumn. Depending on your location, you can attract songbirds such as the Pine Siskin, Red-eyed Vireo, Tree Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Tufted Titmouse, Chickadee, Goldfinch, Purple Finch, and the Black-capped Chickadee. Besides attracting beautiful songbirds to your yard, you will add a rainbow of colors to your landscape. The following flowers are easy to care for perennials that will come back again and again for years to come.

Belladonna Delphinium

There aren’t many truly blue flowers, but Belladonna Delphinium is a very pretty shade of blue. Songbirds love Belladonna Delphinium, and their double florets bloom from late in the spring until early in the summer. These flowers are unique because they bloom a second time in the season.

Besides attracting beautiful songbirds, Belladonna Delphinium is beautiful as cut flowers, and they look wonderful in a vase. These songbird attracting flowers reach a maximum height of approximately two feet, and they require full sun. Plant Belladonna Delphinium in zones three through nine for best results.

Little Miss Muffet Daisy

Daisies are classic flowers that are beautiful in any garden or yard, and songbirds love them just as much as gardeners. Attract beautiful songbirds to your yard by planting Little Miss Muffet Daisies. These daisies have crisp white petals that fade to creamy yellow toward the flower center, and the center is bold yellow with a hint of underlying green.

These songbird attracting perennials are easy to care for and reach a maximum height of about 18 inches. Little Miss Muffet Daisies bloom from late in the spring until the early weeks of summer. They are also great as potted plants on a deck, patio, or balcony. Purple finches especially love these classic showy flowers.

Summer Sun Heliopsis

Many winged creatures love Summer Sun Heliopsis, especially songbirds. Besides attracting songbirds to your yard, Summer Sun Heliopsis will attract butterflies and bees. Their bright yellow-orange flowers are simply amazing. They resemble a daisy yet they are much more full.

Summer Sun Heliopsis blooms from the middle of summer until the first hard frost in autumn. Songbirds will flock to their four feet tall stems topped with beautiful blooms. These songbird attracting flowers are also great as potted plants on a deck, balcony, or patio. Summer Sun Heliopsis can be planted in heartiness zones four through nine.

Purple Liatris

Songbirds and butterflies are attracted like magnets to Purple Liatris. These showy pinkish-purple bulb flowers are displayed on three foot spikes, and each bloom resembles a fuzzy bottlebrush. The foliage consists of small leaves that resemble blades of grass.

Purple Liatris is best suited for zones three through nine, and they make great cut flowers and can be dried. Attract songbirds and butterflies to your yard by planting this showy flower. They will bloom around midsummer.

Cloth of Gold

This songbird attracting flower is truly unique. The name is very appropriate too. Cloth of Gold looks like a cloth of gold spread across deep green foliage. Little gold colored flowers cover the end of each stem. They look somewhat like the flowers on a butterfly bush, and besides attracting songbirds they also attract scores of butterflies and bees.

Cloth of gold reaches a maximum height of about three feet, and it is best suited for zones four through eight. Songbirds will enjoy these beautiful flowers from the middle of summer through late in the fall.

Alpha Wedding Phlox

These unique flowers are a beautiful shade of pink, and songbirds and butterflies love them. Not only are Alpha Wedding Phlox beautiful, but they are also quite fragrant. You’ll love the scent of these showy flowers and the songbirds and butterflies they attract.

The foliage of these songbird attracting flowers is also unique. The stems have red spots, and they grow to a maximum height of approximately three feet. Plant them in partial shade to full sun in zones three through nine for the best results. Attracting songbirds will be easy with these beautiful fragrant perennial flowers.

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