Become a Low-Carb Diet Survivor

You’ve made the commitment and tried Atkins, South Beach or another low-carb plan. Everything seems to be going according to plan and you’re ready to see revolutionary weight loss – this time you’ll stick with your diet for good. But around day three, you can’t take it any more! You’re feeling irritable, depressed and your energy supplies are dwindling. You start counting the weeks, days, even seconds until you can have another carb. You long to sabotage your diet and return to the land of the living. Think you can’t sustain your low-carb lifestyle? Think again. Before you reach for that bag of chips or slice of toast, read these simple tips to turn you from a low-carb casualty into a diet survivor.

Diet Survivors Beat The Blues – Dealing With Energy, Irritability And The “Low-Carb Lows”

The induction phase of any low-carb plan sends shock waves through your system as your body struggles to cope with lower levels of carbohydrates and process your new lifestyle. You may notice that your energy levels are flagging, your eyes won’t stay open and your temper is on a short fuse. Instead of giving in to the impulse to go off your diet (or kill your spouse or significant other), remind yourself that the induction phase is just that – only a phase. After a few short weeks, your body will acclimate and return to its normal energy levels. In the meantime, maximize your energy levels by making sure you are fully hydrated and well-rested. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t make your usual workout or if a nap seems more appealing than ever. This is the time to lean into your favorite and most relaxing activities. Take an energizing shower or drink a (sugar-free) cup of invigorating herbal mint tea. Listen to your favorite music or treat yourself to a new DVD. These little indulgences can help you get over the doldrums that often accompany the beginning of a low-carb lifestyle. Low-carb diet survivors take it easy.

Diet Survivors Take Command – Planning For Restaurant And Party Success

One of the most frustrating parts of the initial phases of a low-carb diet is translating your dietary restrictions to a plate at a restaurant or party. Luckily, planning takes only seconds and can make or break an excursion to the dark side – which may be fraught with carb-laden bread baskets or hors d’oeuvre trays. Bring a list of acceptable foods – you can print in a small font or reduce a page from your diet book – and store it in your wallet or purse for easy access. Having an idea of what you’re in for – or selecting the restaurant yourself – will help you maintain control over your diet. It’s a good idea to jot down meal ideas before you enter a restaurant – for example, stir fries are a great idea at a Chinese restaurant, while fajitas and taco salad – hold the chips – are delicious Mexican alternatives. Take control at parties by bringing your own entrÃ?©e or side dish. Stick to the cheese plate and veggie tray, and brainstorm non-alcoholic alternatives like seltzer with lime or diet soda. Remember, just because you’ve left your house doesn’t mean you’re not in control – low-carb diet survivors take control with simple planning.

Diet Survivors Don’t Go It Alone – Enlisting The Support Of Family And Friends

Too often, low-carb dieters forget to take advantage of their most precious resource – their family and friends. Enlisting the help of your loved ones will ease your transition into a low-carb diet and provide the support – and motivation – you need to attain your diet goals. Let family and friends know what you’re trying to do and ask them to support you during the rough weeks ahead. Think of ways to incorporate family into your diet by preparing low-carb dishes the entire family can enjoy, or arrange for alternatives so that the family is satisfied and doesn’t get resentful. Most importantly, ask for help – the encouragement and understanding of a few key players can be the difference between success and failure. Plan activities with friends and family members to distract you from your low-carb woes, and soon you’ll be reaping the rewards of your diet success – in the context of happy, healthy relationships. Low-carb diet survivors aren’t afraid to ask for help.

It won’t be easy, but with the tactics discussed above, anyone can face a low-carb lifestyle and survive their diet challenges. You might miss your sugar, but nothing tastes sweeter than low-carb diet survival.

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