Beer Can Coolers

Where I grew up, girl scouts sold beer can coolers door to door, because it’s something everybody needed and you could never have too many. I’ve come to understand the woodsmen and hillbillys who stocked up on these versatile devices; they were visionaries. They knew the value of beer can coolers, but chose to let the world discover this value at its own pace.

Wave of the Future

Beer can coolers are the wave of the future, because today’s hot dining trends come from yesterday’s dining problems. Take the Tapas Bar, for example. Legend has it this Spanish tradition evolved from the practice of covering a wine glass with smoked meat or cheese to keep flies from swimming in a patron’s drink. Tapas bars are popping up in cities all over the United States, with elaborate menus and extensive wine lists.

Beer Can Cooler Bar

I’m considering moving to Spain and opening a beer can cooler bar. I can’t count the number of times I’ve looked down at my beer can cooler and wished it were a piece of smoked ham. Of course, bologne is cheaper, and probably keeps the beer cold longer. I may even layer the meat with cheese and make beer wraps. If I thought I could get a vienna sausage around a shotglass, I’d put that on the menu too. Until that day, however, I will remain content to wrap my can with a foam beer can cooler, and be comforted knowing the wisdom of ages supports me.

Where to buy Beer Can Coolers on the Internet

Since the dawn of time, humans have expended great effort developing technology to create and preserve, and chill beer. Now, the internet continues that tradition, and allows you to have custom coolers delivered right to your door.
This website allows you to customize a single beer can cooler, for a one time setup fee, and then order them as you need them.
If you want to order in bulk, these guys have prices under a buck!
This world famous auction site, oddly, is a good place to buy single coolers with logos, teams, or anything pre-printed.

So there you have it, keep your beer cold, because these days girlscouts are pretty much limited to cookies. If all else fails, wrap wet burlap around the whole six pack and bury it under a palm tree; or drink faster.

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