Bela Lugosi to Anne Rice: The Charming and Spooky Libras

The usual astrology ‘cookbook,’ definitions of Libras (September 22 – October 22) describe them as beautiful, charming, diplomatic, loving, artistic, and abhorring anything gross or violent. Oh, yeah? Let’s check out a few of the famous ones in the occult and horror genres.

There is the prolific and legendary horror genre writer ANNE RICE. Her early novel INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE, in 1976, revived the vampire genre. She is a Libra born October 4th, 1941.

Another Libra is the man most associated with Bram Stoker’s Count Dracula, and who was introduced to the film world in Universal Picture’s classic 1931 horror movie DRACULA, the legendary horror genre actor BELA LUGOSI, born October 20th, 1882.

CLIVE BARKER, author, film director, and visual artist, whose early novella HELLBOUND HEART was later made into the cult classic horror movie HELLRASIER. He describes his work as “dark fantasy,” and is another Libra, born October 5th 1952.

A notorious ‘bad boy.’ of the 1920’s was the author, occultist, astrologer, mountain climber, chess master, and in 1928 was labeled by JOHN BULL (a pictorial tabloid of that era), as “the wickedest man in the world,” the both famous and infamous Libra, ALISTER CROWLEY, born October 12th, 1875.

A couple of famous Virgo/Libra Cusp natives, both born on September 21st, are the prolific author of horror novels and films, STEVEN KING, born 9/21/1941, and the famous H.G. Wells, born 9/21/1866, whose science fiction novels, WAR OF THE WORLDS, TIME MACHINE, and THE ISLAND OF DOCTOR MOREAU, have all been made into movies, and even into remakes of those classic movies.

In closing I mention another Libra who has been an avid reader and viewer of all the works mentioned, and in general an avid ‘horror film buff,’ the author of this article himself, born on Oct 1st. And so from all of us fun and horror story loving Libras, we say to you, “BOO!”

Sources: Birthday and Biographical information:

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