Best Colleges and Universities for African-American Students

College can be fun and it can also be culturally stimulating. Attending a black college is one of the best experiences that an African-American or a non-African-American can have. The struggles, the history, and the successes of most Historically Black Colleges and Universities are astounding. It is truly a privilege to follow the legacies of some of America’s most profound black leaders by attending and graduating from a Historically Black College/University.
I have had the opportunity to attend two of the countries top HBCUs. I would have to say that this was definitely one of the best experiences in my life. I was able to grow and understand who I was and the struggles that African-Americans have gone through in order to get me there. Besides all of the parties, different cultures, and excitement, I did end up learning more than I thought I would. My experience at an HBCU has helped shape the person that I am today.
So why are HBCUs so important for African-Americans? In American History after the Civil War, African-American’s could only attend these types of colleges in order to become college educated. HBCUs have continued to be a sure way for African-Americans or students from any race to get the best possible education available.
Over half of the African-American professionals are graduates of a HBCU. Of the ten colleges that graduate the most African-American students with PhDs, nine are HBCUs.
So maybe you have decided or just thought about going to an HBCU. The thought is beginning to excite you, however, you just don’t know where to start. What college will you attend? Which ones are the best? How much will it cost and how will you pay to go? What college will be the right place for you? Well for your convenience, I have put together a guide to help make your college searching experience less painful and more enjoyable.
I have included some of the top HBCUs according to Black Enterprise’s list. I hope that this will be a helpful guide to help you determine your future success.
A highly ranked school by Black Enterprise’s Top HBCU list is Johnson C. Smith University. JSCU is a four-year, private, coed, liberal arts institution founded in 1867. JCSU’s mission is to provide an environment in which men and women may realize their individual potential for intellectual, social, spiritual, emotional, and physical growth and well-being. JCSU continues to instill racial and ethnic pride as students learn about their history and the unique achievements and contributions of African-Americans.
JCSU continues to be one of the top ranked small colleges according to this year’s Best College Guide released by U.S. News and World Report. This university strives to produce graduates who are able to communicate effectively, think critically, learn independently, and demonstrate competence in their chosen field of study.
JSCU offers its students Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. If you want to work to get your degree in a small and family oriented environment then JSCU could be the place for you.
Tuition: $12,120 annually
Contact Info:
Johnson C. Smith University
100 Beatties Ford Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28216
Phone: 704-378-1000
Morgan State University is ranked as one of the top Black Universities according to Black Enterprise’s Top HBCU list. Morgan State has been established for over 150 years and has worked hard in order to ensure its students with a higher education facility.
Morgan’s mission is to serve a multi-ethnic and multiracial student body and to help ensure that the benefits of higher education are enjoyed by a broad segment of the population.
“Maryland’s Public Urban University” is the name that is given by the Maryland legislature. Morgan State University is located in a residential area of Baltimore, MD and has a 143-acre campus area. Downtown Baltimore, the Baltimore Beltway, and Interstate 95 are all easily accessible from the campus.
Over 6,000 students are enrolled in Morgan State annually. Over 35% of the students at Morgan State are from another state or country. The largest areas of students that are from out of state include New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. This college has a broad range of academic programs that helps its students to obtain Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Doctorate and Master’s degrees.
Morgan state is a Historically Black University, however, this institution allows room for people of all races, cultures and ethnicities. If you are looking for an exciting university to attend than you just may want to consider Morgan State University.
Tuition: $6,760
Contact Info:
Morgan State University
1700 E. Coldspring Ln, and Hillen Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21239
Phone: 443-885-3333
Tennessee State University is a four-year, state-supported, coed, liberal arts university founded in 1912 as a land grant institution. TSU falls within the top rankings by Black Enterprise’s Top HBCU list.
TSU has a mission as a land grant institution to provide helpful services and programs in the agricultural sciences. TSU has two campuses. The main campus is located in a residential area of the city of Nashville on 450 acres including farming and pastures. The second campus, Avon Williams campus, is located in downtown Nashville are and houses business and evening programs.
TSU enrolls over 9,000 students annually from 46 different states and 45 different countries. TSU offers its students 45 Bachelor’s degrees, 24 Master’s degrees and Doctoral programs.
In State: $2,207
Out of State: $6863
Graduate In State: $2,836
Graduate Out of State: $7,492
Contact Info:
Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37209
Phone: 615-963-5000
Avon Williams Campus (Downtown)
330 10th Ave. N, Box 138
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: 615-963-7003
Another highly ranked HBCU by Black Enterprise is Bethune Cookman College in Daytona Beach, FL. This is the very first HBCU that I had the opportunity to attend. Mary McLeod Bethune founded Bethune Cookman College in 1904. BCC is a four-year, private, coed college located next to the beautiful beach.
My experience at Bethune Cookman College was one that I will never forget. The beautiful palm trees, the diverse campus, and the dynamic teachers are some of my most beloved memories. Not only is this school motivated to helping its students reach their educational goals, it is also motivated to provide its students with a moral and ethical structure.
BCC is co-ed and believes in keeping the freshmen women safe and morally intact by inflicting an 11:00 curfew on the weekdays and 12:00 curfew on the weekends. At first I did not like the idea of having a curfew, however, once I became a sophomore I realized that it was better for me and helped my mother to know that I was safe and secure during my first year away from home.
BCC continues to strive to give their students a religious understanding. Quoted by President Oswald P. Bronson, Sr. “Excellence in academic study as a religious endeavor is given top priority at Bethune-Cookman.”
If you are looking for a great campus near the beach than you should really consider attending BCC.
Tuition: $17,922 annually
Contact Info:
Bethune Cookman College
640 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32141
Phone: (800) 448-0228 or (386) 481-2600
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania is among the top ranked HBCUs in the nation. This university is a four-year, state-supported, coed, liberal arts institution founded in 1837 by a Quaker named Richard Humphreys. Cheyney has continued to abide by its original mission, which is to train African-American teachers. However, the institution has expanded its program to serve students in other fields as well.
CUP is the oldest Historically Black College/University in the United States of America. Today Cheyney University is an educational facility to people of many different races and nationalities. Cheyney is very proud of more than 10,000 of its graduates. The university is also proud that it offers more than 30 disciplines and master’s degrees in education.
If you are considering attending a highly accredited Northern university, then Cheyney just might be the place for you.
In State: $5,564 Total with Room & Board
Out of State: $8,234
Contact Info:
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
1837 University Cir.
P.O. Box 200
Cheyney, PA 19319
Phone: 610-399-2275 or 1-800-CHEYNEY
If you are an African-American or even if you are not but you want to try something new and exciting than attending a HBCU could be the best decision that you could make.