Best Florists in Omaha

Florists in Omaha, Nebraska

If you are looking for a florist in Omaha, you will have a plethora of choices. In order to make your selecting a little bit easier, we have provided a brief guide to three of the best florists in the city.

A Bloom Above
12125 W. Center Rd.
Omaha, NE 68144-3955
800-422-5666 � 402-422-0321

A Bloom Above has been serving west Omaha since 1993. It is a family company that specializes in arrangements, gifts and bouquets for special occasions. They offer several seasonal arrangements that make holiday shopping a breeze. Their Christmas collections range in price from $30 to over $100.

One of their most unique arrangements for Christmas is a door garland that is almost five feet long. It features an evergreen garland, and faux red apples and pomegranates for a festive touch. If you are looking to make a statement for a Christmas party, or if you just want to give a friend a special gift that will last through many seasons, this arrangement will certainly fit the bill.

Delivery is available, and carries an $8 surcharge. For same day delivery, make sure to place your order before noon that day.

Piccolo’s Florist and Gifts
611 N. 98th St.,
Clocktower Village
Omaha, NE 68114-2342
800-892-5666 � 402-397-6000

In the Clocktower Village, you’ll find Piccolo’s Florist and Gifts. Piccolo’s is Nebraska’s largest florist and features something for just about everyone. They feature bouquets for all occasions, and their Simply Piccolo’s arrangements are very unique. These bouquets range from $35 to $90, depending on the size and complexity of the arrangement. The Simply Fall Callas are a beautiful collection of fall colored Calla Lilies. The flowers are imported and range from yellow to rust to burgundy and are presented in a contemporary vase.

If you are looking for a beautiful rose bouquet, you’ll be able to find them in several arrangements. Prices range from $35 for a dozen roses all the way up past $100 for three dozen. Red, yellow, orange and pink roses are available, as well as a unique “Everything’s Rosy” centerpiece that features pink, red and coral roses, interspersed with hints of green and yellow flowers.

Same-day delivery is available and you can stop in from 8 am to 6pm Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm on Saturdays and 10 am to 2 pm on Sundays.

Terryl’s Flower Garden
7631 Pacific St.
Omaha, NE 68114
800-553-1533 � 402-393-3131

Located on Pacific Street, in the heart of the city, you’ll find Terryl’s Flower Garden. Stop in between 9 am and 6 pm during the week or between 9 am and 4pm on Saturdays for some of the prettiest floral arrangements in the city. You can even get same day delivery if you order your arrangement before noon.

Terryl’s features tropical plants, dish gardens, silk arrangements, special event floral arrangements and much more. Their exclusive gift line will be able to help you out if you are stuck for holiday gift ideas.

If you are looking for a unique centerpiece for this year’s Thanksgiving dinner, their Visions of Autumn centerpiece will certainly get your guests talking. It features pinecones, pumpkins and a very sweet bird’s nest in the center of the arrangement. Hints of orange are provided by mini pumpkins and asters, and offset by green foliage.

Whether you are looking for an exotic arrangement, or a bouquet of roses for someone special, Terryl’s something for everyone.

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