Best Health Blogs: 10 Blogs Worth Checking Out

Planet Lactose
Steve Carper is lactose intolerant. He has researched everything on the subject of lactose intolerance for 30 years. he understands what it’s like to live day to day without dairy products. His blog is enjoyed by people with dairy allergies, vegans, people who want to keep kosher, and others who just want to reduce, or eliminate dairy from their diet.
Grunt Doc
Ramblings of an Emergency Physician in Texas
Light-hearted yet insightful musings from medicine to the medical profession to recent health and dietary studies. Grunt Doc sometimes discusses his patients, but he writes under a pseudonym and protects his patients anonymity.
Orlando Sentinel Health Blog
This blog showcases a variety of health topics and issues for people of all ages covering a multitude of topics from heart disease, exercise, mental health in relationships, pediatrics, cancer, bug bites, migraine headaches and on and on. It often offers sound advice on a given topic.
Any Day Above Ground Is a Good One
This health blog is written by Daniel Rahenkamp, a man diagnosed with prostate cancer on Halloween in 2005. His blog also has a great collection of links on the subject including prostate support groups.
Random Acts Of Reality
This is an entertaining health related blog based in London England, written by an EMT who works for the London Ambulance Service.
Hospital Impact
What will it take for our hospitals to be the best run organizations on the face of the planet?
This health blog is written by 4 bloggers and it is also enhanced by various guest bloggers. Subjects range from hospital and health news, nursing shortages, ideas for improving the business of medicine, and the impact of business in receiving healthcare.
Over my med body!
Clinical trained in the medical profession, Graham rants about how the world of medicine has turned him into a “shitty person”.
Diabetes Mine
A goldmine of straight talk and encouragement for people living with diabetes.
This health blog, is written by a woman diagnosed with diabetes Type 1 in 2003. She has a BA in Journalism, MA in Communication Studies, worked in IT in silicon valley and is also a mother. She has a knack for being analytical and offering insight and wisdom on the subject of diabetes.
Pain Management
This health blog is written by an RN on Web MD talks about chronic pain and migraines and how to manage the effects.
Healthy Recipe Doctor l
This health related blog is written by Elaine Magee, MPH, RD, and is known as the “Recipe Doctor” for the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic. She is a regular contributor to is a regular contributor to Woman’s Day and has appeared on talk shows. Topics range from obesity, fitness, healthy cooking ideas, HMO plans and perspective on diet crazes. She offers sound advice on diet and nutrition.