Best Nightlife in Downtown Albany, New York

Albany, New York is a happening town. Even if it seems far away from New York City (which it really isn’t, only about two hours) and small (also not true, over 150,000 in population), Albany has a great nightlife that would appease and satisfy even the party-hungriest people around. There are small clubs and restaurants, as well as large arenas and theaters, all in a few miles radius, just waiting to be visited.

Let’s start out with the big ones: the Pepsi Arena and the Palace Theatre. The Pepsi Arena is located at 51 S. Pearl Street, in Albany. This arena (a large one, too, at 17,500 seats) is home to lots of sporting events (basketball, hockey and motocross to name a few), as well as major concerts. You can see large acts and even circuses at this versatile venue, and they usually have something going on every weekend.

The Palace Theatre (19 Clinton Avenue, Albany) is just a short distance away from the Pepsi, and has some big acts as well as some smaller lesser known performers. This historic theater was just completely redone, and has a great interior as well as facade. It’s a bit smaller and more intimate than the Pepsi, but still has some great performances, and does house some more classical works.

Just about two blocks down the street from the Palace Theatre on N. Pearl is Jillian’s (59 N. Pearl Street). This bar/nightclub/billiard hall is part of a chain, and it has food as well as an arcade on the lower level. The food here is good, they have a pretty good liquor selection, and only allow in people over 21. But don’t come here expecting ambience or an intimate time, this is definitely a place to go after work with a group of friends to relax and have fun, but not for a romantic date.

Across from Jillian’s at 1 Steuben Place is Pearl, a relatively recent addition to downtown with a classy martini bar and restaurant. This place is pricey, but it’s much nicer for the older and more sedate set. Pearl has a more intimate feel and is still hip enough to feel cool. If you’re not feeling sedate, try the Bayou Cafe (79 N. Pearl Street). It features Cajun food and loud, live music on a big stage. They have a large bar and plenty of ways to rock out with different types of music featured on different nights.

If you’re looking for more of a themed adventure, go down to the Big House Brewing Co. at 90 N. Pearl Street. This bar has live music, a Prohibition style feel and brews their own beer. There are several floors to the bar/restaurant, and they serve great food as well as great beer. Try a local brew and you won’t be disappointed. It’s a great social place, but again, not exactly the place you’d stage a marriage proposal at.

Albany has about a zillion more places to try, and these are just a few that have been mentioned. Take a look at the local paper, the Albany Times-Union as well as Albany’s Citysearch site for some more great tips and schedules. A few things to remember when visiting Albany: New York is a completely non-smoking state. You can’t smoke in bars or restaurants, so leave your butts outside. Also, the downtown Albany area is really pretty small, and you can walk easily from bar to bar, so you might want to just park your car in the nearest convienient spot and then hit them all. Cabs are available but buses are not nearly as frequent as in New York City, so check CDTA‘s (Capital District Transit Authority) schedule. Have fun!

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