Best Summer Vacations for Kids

With summer vacations right around the corner its time to pull out the ideas to help the children have a memorable vacation. We asked parents and children to share their ideas of the best summer vacations for kids and came up with the following.

Best summer vacation idea 1: Traveling out of town
Many resorts offer reasonable summer packages especially in areas which have an off season during the summer. Kids carry memories of these vacations even after they grow up.

Best summer vacation idea 2: Grow a talent; learn a sport
Help your children learn a sport or join a talent class this summer. Music, dancing, tennis, swimming are among the options available. While learning a new skill/sport children stay active and healthy.

Best summer vacation idea 3: Spend time with people
More than activities kids remember and enjoy meeting people. Summer vacations are a good time to take children to visit members of family who don’t live in town. Kids love time with grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles et al. It helps the family bond too!

Best summer vacation idea 4: Reading
Draw up a reading list for your child. It will inculcate the habit of reading and will introduce them to the fascinating world of fictitious characters. Throw in some easy non – fiction reading to add to their knowledge too.

Best summer vacation idea 5: Volunteering for the community
Get your older children to volunteer time at the old age center or the center for the homeless for a few hours a week. They’ll get to do simple tasks and will learn the value of giving back to the community.

All in all, help your children stay on their feet while enriching their lives through new experiences rather than living with the idiot box for a companion.

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