Best Tattoo Parlor/Artist in Atlanta

There are many tattoo parlors in Atlanta, but only one that I have consistently heard about for years, and personally experienced, so I would consider it the best. Psycho Tattoo is a locally owned tattoo parlor that now has three locations in the Atlanta area.

I must admit that I was in my mid-30’s before I ever considered stepping inside a tattoo parlor, albeit not for a tattoo, but to have my bellybutton pierced. However, once I made the decision to take this unexpected and somewhat surprising step in my life, I had no doubt as to where I would entrust my body to be exposed to such an event.

I walked into one of Psycho Tattoo’s locations with my husband and my stepdaughter, who was five years old at the time. We discussed having he and my stepdaughter wait in the car after he walked me inside, but he decided to stay in the shop after walking in and seeing it for himself. There was a nice waiting area, a display counter behind which were at least two employees at any given time to answer questions, and a myriad of piercing jewelry in the display. I never felt like it was an inappropriate place for my stepdaughter to be.

What impressed me the most is that the shop is made up of tattoo stations and a piercing room so the clients are out in an open room. In fact, the Psycho Tattoo web site (provided) shows the layouts and provides virtual tours of each location. Being a little nervous, I was glad for the privacy so I wouldn’t feel like the entire shop was watching me! If I was going to have this done, I wanted to display an air of bravado, not let the whole shop see me crying like a baby. No need – the actual piercing was no worse than having a shot at the doctor.

Before a client goes under the needle, either for tattooing or piercing, a consultation takes place that includes an explanation of the guidelines they follow for safety and a sanitary environment, plus a complete description of the procedure to be done. All equipment is displayed on a steel tray, like those at the dentist, and each instrument is sealed in individual packages. The piercer wore surgical gloves during my entire process, and once an instrument is taken out of its sealed packaging and used, it is thrown away. Honestly, I was expecting more discomfort than I felt, but my piercer was so good that I was pleasantly surprised. He told me step-by-step what he was doing and made me feel very comfortable.

Beyond the piercing, Psycho Tattoo employs some of the most amazing tattoo artists I’ve seen. The waiting area contains pictures of some of their work, and they keep a few albums of the tattoos on the waiting area table. My husband, who is an artist himself, was very impressed by the designs and artistry displayed in those albums, as was I.

I, personally, may or may not have a need to visit Psycho Tattoo again, but I would highly recommend it to anyone who asked me. Their professionalism and talent are exceptional.

Take some time to visit the web site. It contains biographies of the tattoo artists and piercers and shows off some of their beautiful work. The picture shown with this article is a tattoo by Deano Cook of Psycho Tattoo.

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