Best Travel Checklists: Never Forget Your Toothbrush Again

We’ve all done it, forgotten that one thing that we just could not do without, my son did it with his bag of clothes on one trip. So we had to stop and buy some or go back. Not likely when we discovered this error more than half way to our destination. So we stopped, but some things can be easier if you plan ahead and use lists.

Here are some lists and hints that have proven so useful, whether driving, flying, or even going camping.

Lists for flying:
Keep it simple, use smaller bags that are quicker to search.
Do not take anything you don’t absolutely need.

Take in your carry on:
Reservation information, confirmation numbers.
Travelers checks, Passport or extra ID.
Reservations about taking the mother in law.
Medicines, prescription information in case you run out or lose medicine.
Camera and any film, insist on hand search.
Extra batteries for camera, camcorder, walkman etc.
Cell phone and charger

Place each days clothes in plastic gallon bag.
Use plastic bags for toiletries, cosmetics, etc.
Take a book or magazine, it can be a long wait at Airport.
Pack two smaller bags even if you don’t need to, split clothes and such into two bags in case they lose one, you have others.

Lists for Driving:
Pack a bag or backpack with important stuff:
Reservation information, Confirmation numbers, maps, itinerary, tourists info, travelers checks, etc.
Cell phone and charger.

Make a kit for car repair emergencies, some handy tools, extra oil, washer fluid, rags, jumper cables, etc.

If traveling in winter in colder climates pack an emergency kit with food and extra clothes or blankets, and some type of heat source like candles or Sterno cans and matches.

Some games and such to entertain everyone, even driver can participate in word games.

Pack in smaller bags and use each bag for a day or two worth of clothes, it’s easier to pack smaller bags than big ones into your vehicle.

Pack some snacks and water as well as soft drinks, traveling often dehydrates many people as they don’t drink as much water.

Use a list of things and make sure each person checks off their stuff:

Extra shoes
Camera, film, batteries, camcorder, tapes etc.
Entertainment for each, Book, magazine, Walkman, GameBoy etc.

Lists for Camping:

Tent, Tarps for ground, food, cook stove, fuel for stove, lantern or flashlights, cooking utensils, pots and pans, extra toilet paper, towels, rags, trash bags, plastic bags, fire starters, matches.

Take an extra tarp to put on the ground under each tent, use another in case your tent leaks.

For some fun things you can also get print outs and have fun in the car or plane on the way, one place to start is here:

They also have a nice checklist at the bottom of the page to use for trips.

If you are taking a dog or cat along with you there are some things for them you need to consider, even if your are leaving them with a kennel or boarding place. For any reservations you should book in advance as far as you can, the longer in advance the better chance of finding an opening. You should check out the place in advance and make sure it is fit for your furred family member, some places I have seen I would not let my pet rock stay at.

You will need to give the kennel a copy of the current vaccinations your pets have, and for dogs they will have to have the current kennel cough preventive or Bordetella. This is the one that the first year they give as an inhalant in the nose and then a shot after that.

If you are taking your pet with on a plane, check about a kennel or travel carrier and if the air carrier requires one. If they do I would suggest getting one before you hit the airport as the ones they may sell would be a lot more costly than going somewhere else. If they do not but the fare is more if you don’t have one I would also suggest buying one, it makes trips to and from the airport and sitting around and waiting much easier on the animal and yourself.

If traveling with your pet in the vehicle, you should take along things like, food, plenty of water, a favorite toy, a new chew toy or bone and any medicines. You might also want to take some anti nausea medicine for your pet if they are prone to that particular malady. And bring a dozen or more plastic grocery sacks to clean up after them. I also have a cheap plastic scoop for cleaning up after them, sometimes they can be messy while traveling. Just wash off when convenient but keep in a plastic bag till you get the chance.

When traveling with babies or young kids make sure you have all their stuff, extra diapers, clothes, food, water, toys and things to keep them occupied. When traveling with a baby in a vehicle make sure they have some sun protection in the car when they are in their seat and that they get plenty of sunscreen. Even if you don’t notice it, they often have more sensitive skin than we do and can burn that much quicker.

Some things you need to make sure of when you are going out the door or arrange before:

Mail stopped at post office or arranged with friend/neighbor to pick up.
Windows in house shut, lights off, doors locked.
Computers off and unplugged; less chance of damage from lightning when they are unplugged.
Newspaper stopped or arranged for.

AAA is a great web site for travel information and what they call Trip-Tiks, or traveler maps that have from one address or city to another. They are very handy maps that will show your destinations along the route you tell them you are going and include mileage and any road construction along your route with detours if any. They can also be used for reservations and many coupons and discounts. AAA also offers their great roadside assistance and other member benefits but the travel planning or Trip-Tiks are free even if you are not a member.

Traveling can be fun and a hassle at the same time, you can prevent the hassle part or make it much less of a hassle with a little preparation and some checking before you leave.

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