Best Used Book Stores in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas

Besides Half Price Books, which has multiple locations and can’t be beat as far as price, location, variety; etc., here are five of the top used book stores in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas:

Book Ends is located in the Dallas Public Library if you can believe it. Located on the first floor at 1515 Young Street, it is like a perpetual yard sale. They may be reached at 214-670-1400.

Once again the key ingredient to a good book store is its selection. Half Price Books in Dallas at 5803 E. NW Highway is a favorite (214-379-8000). With its huge selection, its reasonably nice shopping environment, and half-decent coffee in the restaurant, this is the place to try before, which, by the way, is a great place to find used books. Built in 2000, the Half Price Book on NW Highway across the street from their older, smaller location is the mecca of cut-rate book buying.

In Fort Worth check out Roots n Kulture Bookstore and Resource Center at 3116 E. Rosedale Street. If you want books on alternative history, the New World Order, and other underground philosophies, travel to East Rosedale Street.

Recycled Books at 200 N. Locust in Denton, TX is an old lavender turn-of-the-century opera house on Denton’s town square that has an awe-inspiring assemblage of bestsellers and classics as well as rare first-edition hardbacks and obscure old pocket paperbacks like they used to make them: small, cheap, and featherweight enough to throw in a backpack when you’re hitchhiking cross-country.

There is also the University of Texas at Dallas Bookstore which also buys back books year-round. Go to on the web.

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