Bethlehem Lutheran Preschool- a Great Place to Start!

Looking for a great preschool for your pre-K child? Having a hard time finding a perfect fit? Are you just plain picky when it comes to what you are looking for? Are you hard to impress?

If you answered yes to any of the above, I can understand. When my oldest son was to start preschool this year at age three, I really thought I would never find the perfect fit for him. I am an ex-teacher and really quite picky when it comes to who and where my child will be educated, even in preschool! To make matters worse, we moved to our current town one week before preschool was to start. I honestly thought we wouldn’t find any school at all to enroll him in. We got lucky! Bethelehem Lutheran had some students move out of the area, which opened a spot for us!

Rather reluctantly I drove to the preschool, not expecting a lot. After all, it was by far the cheapest preschool I had priced in our area. It couldn’t be that good, not with tuition as low as it was. However, I was quite desperate for any spot for my son in any preschool by this point, so off we went to check out the school.

Imagine my surprise when I met with with the director and she showed me around the small set of classrooms in the preschool area. Wow! Not only are the classrooms full of wonderful things for three and four year olds to do, there were animals, learning stations, a wonderful playground, imaginative play and friendly, smiling teachers in each room. I was hooked. The teacher in me screamed, “yes, yes, yes, this is how a preschool should look!” I enrolled my son immediately.

The week and came and went and before I knew it, it was time for three year old to start his first day of preschool. Would he love it? Would he cry? Most importantly, would he miss me? Okay, that isn’t the most important issue I had, but anyone sending their child to preschool for the first time understands what I mean. My husband and I walked our son into his preschool class, expecting a clinging child who didn’t want to leave. That didn’t happen. Our son saw the bunny, the guinea pig and the fish and that was it. We had lost him. Off he went, never looking back. I wasn’t sure if I should cry with sadness or happiness, but cry I did.

Our son hasn’t looked back in the almost seven months he has been at Bethlehem Lutheran. It has been a wonderful experience for him, not only socially but also academically. He loves his teacher, he loves his classroom and he loves going to school. The teachers are wonderful, the projects are wonderful, the play is wonderful. It is a good fit for us!

Preschool should be fun and educational for your child, but it should also feel like a good fit to the parents when they visit it. Bethlehem Lutheran was a good fit for me upon walking into the school. It is such a good fit, that in another year, I will be sending my youngest son there. I know for sure that there will tears on that first day of school. But, I also know that when I leave him that first day, he will getting a great preschool experience at a wonderful school!

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