Better MySpace Networking : The MySpace Phenomenon and How to Work It

MySpace has been making headlines, almost daily; the controversial networking community coming under fire as a danger to our children and a den of slavering pedophiles just waiting to be set free upon our unsuspecting (and uneducated) youth. “It’s a terrible thing,” many will tell you. Some even go so far as to suggest a dismantling of the networking giant.

“Are there any benefits to MySpace,” I’m sure some have asked? Most definitely! The key word here is EXPOSURE; it doesn’t matter if you play music, make videos, model, or just like to write endless blogs – there is something for everyone. If you like to talk to people or don’t mind a little shameless self-promotion, sooner or later, you’ve gone and build up a solid ‘friends’ base of people who like whatever it is that you do. The more friends you have, the greater your exposure because, eventually, there’s that chance that their friends will see you and, if you have something good, then they’ll add you on to their friend list. This exposes you to all their friends tooâÂ?¦ If money were involved, someone would definitely be screaming pyramid scam.

But MySpace is no scam. Every day, more people join up, and even more grab the bull by the horns. Many thought that the Top 8 feature on MySpace was a waste of time but the developers proved they knew what they were doing, as usual. Playing upon our competative natures, they set about creating thousands of little mini-contests where, suddenly, teenager vied against teenager and band against band, in hopes of making the Top 8 of anyone and everyone. Why? Again, more exposure. Your picture is suddenly emblazoned on a screen in testimony that so-and-so thought you (and these 7 other people) were SUPER cool! Check them out! Bands like Formula Redux, of Florida, or Ireland’s 7even Words continue to pull in friend requests, hand over fist when, normally, it’s a tooth and nail fight to get exposure for new and upcoming musicians.

Friend comments let you, not only say nice things about the person that you’re commenting on, and let you thank them for adding you on to their network of friends, but also offers another opportunity to promote yourself. Before you know it, the friend requests are pouring in. If your friends base isn’t increasing at the level that you want, there is no need to despair. In addition to using the comment-other-people trick, you can also join groups with similar interests and the infamous “whore trains” that get you passed around to multiple people, in exchange for your exposing them to all of your friends.

Musicians and artists use MySpace for more than just exposure. Feedback is essential – You need to keep at the top of the pack and know what’s hot and what’s not. On top of making new friends and building your fan base, comments are opened up, allowing the general populace (and fellow artists) to give honest opinions about your latest work. No more waiting for the newspaper or magazine for reviews, no more dealing with cranky critics. On MySpace, gratification is instantâÂ?¦ And if that isn’t fast enough? Send out a bulletin and tell them to go “check it out!”

It doesn’t matter if you’re a band, a writer, an artist, model, aspiring film director or simply someone who strives to be the most popular teenager in all of known civilization, there is exposure to be had on MySpace. Everyone gets their 15 minutes on this networking phenomena, even if it’s just because, “OMG that outfit makes you look so hawt!!1”

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