Black Friday Parties Online: Join Other Crafters and Reserve Your Spot for These Craft Sales

Every year, on Black Friday – the day after Thanksgiving – sales and specials appear at practically every store in America, as merchants get ready for the booming holiday season. Online, though, you’ll still get the great bargains and deals, but you don’t have to get up at 5a.m. to do so. Dozens of crafting parties are happening all over the web on the big Black Friday sale day and you can get in on the fun!

Whether you’re a crafter or you just love purchasing handmade goodies not found elsewhere, you’ll have a blast at any one of the numerous Black Friday parties. Although many of them start really early, and last until late that night, you can come and go as you please – and still have your best sales record ever. Guests pay nothing to attend, participate in games, and get to know the other visitors.

If the sales, bargains and specials aren’t enough to drag the shoppers in by the truckload, the party itself will. Games are played throughout the day with winners taking home fabulous prizes from the sponsors – those who’ve come to sell. Each seller is asked to donate a craft or two, a gift certificate to their store, or some other prize. These prizes are an extra incentive for the guests to come to the party. And don’t think people will just come to the party and grab the prizes without purchasing. Those that have made purchases have their name put in drawings for the prizes which were not won during the games.

Since it takes a little while to prepare for a big party day like the Black Friday Sale, merchants need to book a time slot or two for the party ahead of time. These parties fill up quickly, and although they can accommodate any number of guests, most will only permit one merchant from the same company. So, if you sell handmade crafts, and you have other representatives that also sell your crafts, only one of you will be allowed to sign up as a merchant for the day. But, you can sign up at several different parties and do one time slot at each one.

Different parties have different agendas on Black Friday. Whereas one might have web cam drawings for prizes at the top of every hour, another might draw winners once in the morning, noon and night. And one party might feature two different hour-long time slots for each merchant, but another party will feature one merchant per half-hour without any repeats. Check with the party host/hostess so you’ll know the rules and expectations.

If you book a time slot you’re only obligated to be there during that period. That works out great if you have a shopping cart at your site, but if the guests need to email you to get the deals and specials, you may want to stick around awhile after your time slot has expired.

Most of the chat rooms where the parties are held have a private messaging feature which allows merchants to make deals with customers without interrupting the featured presentation. That way, if a potential guest wants to ask you something further about one of your products, but your time slot is over, you can still carry on business without offending the current speaker.

The holidays mean big sales for most merchants, and with your handmade items, you can claim the same. Make a list of your featured specials and sales for the day, reserve your time slot, and mark your calendar for the most fun – and sales – you’ve had in awhile!

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