BlinQ Donut Maker Review

I bought the BlinQ Donut Maker as a gift for my 10-year old niece. It’s cute and it promises to make nice donuts. I wasn’t expecting much since it is quite cheap. I was also in a hurry and I didn’t have time to be more creative with gift ideas. I was also happy it comes with recipes so maybe my niece can make me something good to eat when I come to visit.

The BlinQ Donut Maker was delivered on time (always a good thing) and when I gave it to my niece she was ecstatic. I paid a visit to my niece last week to find out how it went and well, she told me she was having fun with it. The BlinQ Donut Maker makes really small donuts which she finds really cute. I personally wished the donuts were bigger. My sister tells me that she spends hours making these teeny tiny donuts and as long as she’s enjoying herself, all is well.

I checked the recipe book and I was surprised that it only contained four recipes. My sister tells me the donuts are good enough (meaning edible) but definitely not commercial quality. She appreciates though that there is no frying involved and therefore, my niece is completely safe. Hey, the BlinQ Donut Maker provides harmless and educational fun. That should be good enough.

So I tried it myself and I have a few suggestions to make better donuts. Chill the batter and use a pastry tube. This makes it safer. I think my niece is better at this than I am because when I tried the BlinQ Donut Maker, I burned the back of my hand. So when I came up with the idea of the pastry tube, this solved the problem. Also, if a kid is going to use this, be prepared for a mess in the kitchen. Donut batter isn’t that easy to clean. My sister gave me a hard time about this time.

I recommend the BlinQ Donut Maker to those who want to make simple donuts at home without the hassle of frying. But this is definitely not a tool for those who are great home bakers (maybe a donut pan would be a better buy). The BlinQ Donut Maker, however, makes a really nice gift. Even the box is awfully cute. If you know a 12 year old who has aspirations to be a chef, get them the BlinQ Donut Maker. You won’t regret it.

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