Blockbuster Online: Renting Movies was Never This Easy

Your kids want to watch a movie. So you pack them into the car and drive to the video store. You walk in expecting to find what it is your looking for and it’s not there. What next? There are a bunch of upset kids standing next to you.

That’s where Blockbuster Online saves the day. What is it? This is an online movie rental service. Prices range from as little as $10 a month to $20. There are of course advantages and disadvantages to this.

The first step however is to sign up. You can do this by going online or at your local Blockbuster. Sometimes they will have a special. When my wife and I signed up back in January we only paid $10 a month for the first three months. We chose to have three movies out at once.

You have three options to choose from. Have one movie out at a time ($10.00 a month), two movies ($15.00) or three ($20.00). With the last option you also receive a coupon weekly for a free rental. It’s not a bad idea, especially if you watch a lot of movies.

The second step is to enter your validation code. This allows you to come up with a username and password. Once you have completed this portion, you enter a valid e-mail address. This way, you can be notified when a movie has been received or shipped.

Step three: Choose your first movie(s). The way it works (depending on which option you chose) your first movie(s) are sent. After you have watched a movie, simply place it back into the shipping slip and drop it in any mailbox. After its been received, your next movie is sent.

Step four: Add movies to your queue. What is a queue? This is where your list of movies is kept and also tells Blockbuster Online what movie(s) to send next. You have to have at least thirty movies but you can have even more. Currently I have 130 movies in mine.

There are tons of movie categories with sub genres. For instance, the Horror Category alone has eleven sub-categories/genres. You can even rent some of your favorite television shows or watch old classics you haven’t seen in a long time.

What are the advantages? For one you don’t have to stand in long lines. There are no late fees. You can keep the movie(s) as long as you want, granted you pay the monthly fee. There is something for everyone.

Of course there are disadvantages. Sometimes you might receive the wrong DVD. Simply go online, report the issue and the correct title will be sent. Movies in the queue aren’t always sent out in order.

The pros definitely out weigh the cons in this instance. If you watch a lot of movies or have kids, this is the perfect thing to have. It’s almost worth to have three titles out at a time. Plus you get a free rental every month. That alone is worth having.

So the next time you pack up the kids and drive to the local video store, stop and think about it. You might thank me later. Be sure to visit for a better overview.

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