Blue Springs in Eureka Springs

Blue Springs located 5 miles west of Eureka Springs, AR; was considered a sacred place by Indian tribes that lived in the area. This mutual feeling, for this breath taking beautiful setting, was so strong that the tribes agreed to leave all weapons some distance from the springs.
This special feeling for the springs is still felt today by the many tourists when they visit this remarkable place of beauty. The spring pumps 38 million gallons of cold water into the pool daily. The cool water is home to trout that are over two feet in length. The trout are easily seen through the crystal clear water. The only man made disturbance of the spring itself is the tile walkway around its border and the spillway to the stream it feeds.
The spring is the obvious jewel of this Arkansas attraction, but there are many other reasons to visit. It is accessible to all visitors as there is a wood walkway ramp throughout the natural growth of trees and plants. The walkway winds its way down to the spring, but along the way there are, well marked, plants and trees to see. Nature is on display and labeled so the viewer knows what they are looking at. The exquisite scene is a camera buff’s delight.
There is a little known oddity to Blue Springs. This oddity concerns the water. It does not match any of the other water sources in the area. The water is not the same as the White River or any of the lakes, which surround the spring. This oddity is the possible connection between the springs and Mount St Helens in the state of Washington. In 1980 the Mount St Helens volcano erupted and spewed ash and lava over a huge area surrounding the eruption. A few days later the water in the spring became very murky. There was nothing else happening at the time that could have caused the loss of clarity. The distance between these two natural phenomena is over 1400 miles. If this did not cause it, what caused the water to turn murky? It stayed clear before and after this event.
Another reason to come to Blue Springs is the old town part of Eureka, Springs. This city was a tourist destination in the 1880s, when the only way to get there was by horseback or by railway. The downtown shops remind many of a little mountain town in Switzerland. Due to its large art community it also brings to mind San Francisco. This feeling is enhanced due to the steep hills and the trolley car routes that travel throughout the city.
There are also many quality restaurants in which to enjoy a great dinner. The outstanding dinner houses are due to the numerous chefs that have decided to live here and give up the rat race in large American cities.
The creative arts are represented by the many painters, writers and sculptors that make this mountain town their home. The art galleries are filled with their work. Some of the artists are nationally known. Some are only locally known. But their work matches any they might be compared with.
All in all, this Ozark mountain town is well worth the visit. There are other places to see, like the haunted old hotels or the bed and breakfast houses that were built over 120 years ago. There is just to much too see and do in this magical little city surrounded by lakes and a river.