Blueberries Are the New Power Fruit

Doctors, nutritionists, and even the USDA Human Nutrition Center are raving about the new “wonder” fruit, blueberries! In fact, blueberries may be just as powerful as certain medications taken for a wide variety of health problems.

Antioxidants: Blueberries are packed with powerful antioxidants that help fight against cancer and the obstacles we face as we begin to age.

Pterostilbene: This compound found in blueberries is known to help with high cholesterol levels, especially for those who either don’t want to take cholesterol-lowering medication or don’t respond well to it. (NEVER go off any medication without consulting your physician.)

Anthocyanin: This is actually what is responsible for giving blueberries their blue color, but that’s not its only job. Anthocyanin helps with eye health and may even slow or prevent macular degeneration.

Besides these wonderful benefits of this magical little fruit, blueberries can help our skin stay smooth and healthy-looking especially as we age, saving us endless amounts of money that might have been spent on anti-wrinkle creams or expensive cosmetic procedures like plastic surgery. Some believe that blueberries contribute to mental health and alertness, even with the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease!

If eating fresh blueberries by the handful just isn’t your thing, there are some ways to “sneak” them into your diet. Try adding them to:

Ice cream
French toast
Vanilla pudding
…And of course, there’s always blueberry pie! Eating dessert was never this good for you!

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