Boise’s Graeber & Company Salon

350 North 9th Street
Suite 10
Boise, ID 83702
There are people that will swear that Graeber and Company (you can just shorten it to Graeber’s) is the premier salon in Boise. It is certainly one of the most upscale. Their very sleek, modern looking salon in the downtown section of Boise is a fun place to go for all your indulgence needs- but don’t forget that despite the fact that the space looks completely modern, this business has been serving Boise for over thirty years. They are definitely doing the right things to keep customers loyal. Boise loves Graeber’s for the element of fashion it has long added to the community.
Graeber’s is the place to go if you are very serious about your look, and ready to pay top dollar to attain it. The staff is incredibly professional, and very knowledgeable. If you are a little lax about taking care of your hair or skin, it is a good place to pick up some first rate advice, as well as top of the line products to reverse whatever havoc you have created through your bad habits. Their spa works with Aveda products, and can do wonders for your skin and your self esteem- seriously. You can come here to pick up the latest in hair care, skin care, and cosmetology techniques. The place has a very cosmopolitan feel to it, which I think attracts many of their clients.
Personally, I would recommend Graeber’s haircutting services either to those trying to get a cutting edge style, or those that just want a great stylist to develop a look for them. Graeber’s will never let you out of the door without looking stylish- their staff will create a look for you that will accent your best features, works with your hair type, and find something that is concurrent with how much maintenance you are ready put into your appearance when you have to do things on your own. Women and men that really care about their hair in Boise will often list Graeber’s as their salon of choice. This is a great place to go for a total makeover, or to update your look to make it fresh. They take hair very seriously here, so if you just want a trim or a fifteen minute butchering, try somewhere else. Or if you just don’t buy into the pampering scene. It’ll be cheaper, and less time consuming. Plus, you won’t have to cheat yourself out of the true Graeber’s experience.
It is a little pricey, but not out of line for a high end salon. It also very popular among the local style conscious citizens, so definitely book an appointment in advance. This is also a popular place for event looks, such as wedding hair and makeup. This is also where all the prom queens go for their sleek Cinderella up-dos, which the stylists do with a patient smile. Downtown Boise parking can be a little rough, so you might need to head to a paid parking garage or lot and walk (just a few blocks.) They are closed on Sundays.