Book Review: Internet Scams…Exposed!

Hot off the press!

Robor Writing & Editing brings you Internet Scams…Exposed! Chockfull of actual Internet scams and information on how to avoid them. This book is a must-read and a quick and easy read at 48 pages.


Think you’re savvy enough to spot a scam?

This book is chock-full of Internet scams, how to spot themâÂ?¦ and with a bit of humor thrown in for good measure. While getting ripped off is no laughing matter, some of the scams in this book are unbelievably funny. Some will make you wonder how anyone could fall for them! And yet we do. Maybe it’s our desire to have financial freedom or our hope that this is our ticket to getting out of debt. Whatever the reason,

Internet scams are alive and thriving on the World Wide Web.

If you’ve ever fallen for these-or something else that has robbed you of your money or identity-you’re probably not only angry but embarrassed. Don’t be. As the fastest growing crime, identity theft affects a phenomenal number of people. According to the Federal Trade Commission, in the last five years, 27.3 million people have had their identities stolen, sometimes through credit card purchases, sometimes due to dishonest merchants, sometimes due to Internet scams. You are not alone. Not that that’s any consolation. However, by the time you reach the end of this book, you’ll be well armed against Internet scams and identity theft, and I’ll provide you with the resources to find out what to do if you find yourself a victim of this crime.

Whatever you glean from this book, I hope it helps you avoid scams in the future and I hope it helps to shut down the scammers that are out there trying to scam us all!


What is Identity Theft and How Does It Relate to Internet Scams?

Identity theft is simply when someone steals your personal information and uses it to commit a fraudulent transaction. Just what is a fraudulent transaction? Any business transaction carried out designed with the purpose of attaining personal gain while causing harm to another. It is basically thievery and deceit.

In order for identity theft to occur, the thief must first steal your personal information. Internet scams are his way of gaining access to that information. He uses his scam to convince you to give up the information willingly. I can hear you nowâÂ?¦. “But I would never do that!”

Although there are various ways a scam artist can draw you into his confidence, let me alert you to some of his tactics. Be on your guard if an email asks you for any of the following:

Social Security number
Date of Birth
Full Name
Bank Account number
Mother’s Maiden Name
Credit Card number
Any other personal information

Most of us would be wary if asked for all that-or even some of that-information all at once. Red flags would go up like crazy! However, some of these scam artists are sly. They know what you’re looking for. You may find a rather innocent looking email simply asking you for a reply. What? It’s not asking for any personal information, it looks intriguing, so that means it’s okay, right?

Read the book today and see actual scams with the scammers’ actual information. Expose them before they scam you!

Available as a downloadable e-book or in paperback from Robor Writing & Editing. Order from

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