Boost Your Home Resale Value Instantly

Hold that hammer. Before you put your home on the market, consider these quick and easy tips to boost your home’s resale value. What did you notice when you first saw your house from the outside? Was it the entrance, the garden, or something else that caught your attention?

Try to attract your buyers’ attention. Buyers look for the cleanest houses and those in excellent repair. Make sure you have a clean and tidy house that is ready to be shown at all times. People look for well-maintained homes and visual appeal. Make your house sparkle inside and out with these quick tips.

Tips For TheInterior Of Your Home

. Spring clean your house.
. Have your carpets professionally cleaned.
. Check interior walls and ceilings for signs mould and clean it off.
. Clean your ceiling fixtures and ceiling fans.
. Clean your windows.
. Clean your ceramic floors and walls.
. Clean your mirrors, doors, and walls. A clean house is more appealing to buyers.
. Clean your appliances.
. Neutralize cooking odors and musty smells that may linger in your house. Open your windows or mask the odor by burning a candle or essential oils or placing a vase of sweet smelling flowers on a counter.
. Homes that smell of animals, especially cats, can cost you thousands. Consider boarding pets during the selling period.
. Pour vanilla on bread and bake it in the oven until the aroma fills the air. Buyers are attracted to the aroma of warm baked goods.
. Clean up after meals and put utensils away.

. Open the blinds. Let natural light enter your house.
. Switch on all the lamps throughout the house.
. Turn on the lights in the kitchen and the bathroom.
. Replace burned-out light bulbs. Keep your house well lit and inviting.

. Repaint in light neutral colors. Lighter colors make your rooms appear more spacious. Buyers are attracted to light colors typically and not dark colors.
. Repaint walls in your kitchen, bathrooms and living areas.
. Paint your closets, if necessary.

Interior Maintenance
. Replace worn cabinet hardware.
. Replace worn kitchen countertops with new countertops in neutral colors.
. Replace worn, torn, or outdated vinyl flooring.
. Replace worn, broken, dirty, or outdated curtains and blinds.
. Make sure your appliances work.
. Re-grout the tiles if necessary.
. Repair damage caused by leaks in your ceilings.
. Replace broken switches.
. Replace dull or dated light fixtures.
. Tighten or replace loose doorknobs.

Organization and Clutter Control
. Reduce the clutter in each room. Buyers like to see open spaces and no clutter.
. Maximize your closet space by weeding out things that you do not need such as extra clothing, shoes, and toys.
. Keep only the essentials in your closets. Store your extra items at a friend’s house or in your basement.
. Empty your wardrobes, drawers, and linen cupboards of as many items as possible. Send items you do not use to a charity.
. Store your personal papers and bills out of sight.
. Clean out bookcases and send books you do not want to the library or charity.
. Weed out your magazines. Put the ones you want to keep in decorative baskets.
. Rearrange your furniture to create a maximum feeling of space.
. Keep your children’s toys organized and in one area.
. Remove clutter from your basement, attic, and garage. If you do not need an item, give it away or sell it.
. Consider renting storage. If you store your extra items in storage, your house will look less cluttered.
. Make all beds before leaving the house.

Tips For The Exterior Of Your Home

. Paint, stain, or clean your front door. The front entrance is one of the first thing buyers notice about a house. A pleasing and attractive front door is a key part of the overall presentation of your property.
. Paint areas of the exterior that show signs of wear (e.g., door and window frames)

Exterior Maintenance
. Remove torn or worn screens.
. Make sure the doorbell and entrance light work correctly.
. Replace cracked windowpanes.
. Repair bent gutters and broken or loose shutters.
. Repair loose roofing shingles and flashing in roof.

Landscaping And Grounds Maintenance
. Place a clean doormat in the front entrance.
. Keep your lawn trimmed.
. Rake leaves and sweep the sidewalk.
. Prune shrubs and trees and remove dead branches.
. Store lawn equipment, outdoor items, and toys out of sight.
. Place potted plants in your garden. Buyers love color and appeal in gardens.
. Tidy the front and back yards.
. Sweep and hose drives and patios.
. Close your garage doors.

Don’t skimp on house repairs. A fresh coat of paint could be the key to your sale. Follow these few simple tips to increase the perceived value of your home.

About the Author
Copyright ® 2005 Susan Croes, MBA and M. Ed
Freelance Writer Specialing in courseware development and Ebooks

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