Break into the World of Baby Modeling

There isn’t a parent in the world who doesn’t feel that their baby is the most beautiful. And they are right of course. Every baby is beautiful. Some parents take this beauty and use it to get their baby into the world of modeling. Here is a step-by-step process into getting your baby into modeling, and whether or not it is something you should pursue.

Baby models are always in demand because they grow up so quickly. For a simple print advertisement, a baby can make $85 an hour. They can make hundreds for commercials and thousands for nationally run commercials. The money draws a lot of parents in. Some parents will keep this money for their children, others will use it themselves. There is no law, except in California, which protects the interest of the child when it comes to money they have made. My daughter will be receiving more than half of all the money she makes. Since we have to travel, the money will also pay for traveling expenses. I feel this is a fair compromise.

There is always the possibility of rejection when putting a baby into the world of baby modeling. First, they must be accepted by a modeling agency. This can be a rough process in itself. Then, even if they are accepted, they will need to head out on go-sees to meet potential employers. Just because a baby is accepted by an agency does not mean that they will ever receive work. If you are sensitive then this might not be the right endeavor for you and your child.

There is a lot of work involved in getting your child into modeling and then getting your baby jobs, and eventually working those jobs. The world is not glamorous as it seems in the magazines, movies, and television. It is long days and a lot of work. Babies can become irritable and parents even more irritable. Consider the temperament of yourself and child before deciding to pursue baby modeling.

Once you have made the decision to find your child an agent, start researching agents in your area. Check out the Better Business Bureau. If the BBB lists complaints against the agency but they have been resolved, the complaints were probably from models that never received work. This is not the fault of the agency. If the problems haven’t been resolved then you are likely sealing with an agency that scams money from potential models. Any legitimate modeling agency will not ask for money up front.

Once you have researched and found a few reliable modeling agencies, it is time to visit them. With so many parents attempting to break their child into modeling, most modeling agencies have open calls weekly or biweekly for children wearing size 3T and under. These agencies do not require professional portfolio pictures to be signed with their agency. So make sure you have some great snapshots of your child to bring with you. Bring at least 3 pictures where your child is showing his or her personality. Modeling agencies do not always look for the most beautiful child. Often, they want children who are interesting and have a great personality.

Once you are signed by an agency, they will want professional portfolio pictures to show to potential clients. This is the responsibility of the model. At this time, you will need to pay out some money for these professional pictures. Beware of an agency that says you must get your pictures through them. Any agency that says that is just looking to take your money. Most agencies will offer this service but it should be optional. It is possible to find a professional photographer who will take portfolio pictures for much less than the agency would require. It is also possible to find a photographer who may be willing to take the pictures for free in exchange for using the pictures for their own portfolio. Look around before you spend $500 on pictures through the modeling agency.

When the time comes to take the portfolio pictures, there are a few simple rules to follow. Use several outfits to take the photographs. These outfits should be solid colors so they do not distract the viewer from your child’s face. Also, if you have a girl then change her hair with each new outfit to show some diversity. This only applies if your child has enough hair at this age to change the style. It is important that the photographer captures the personality of your baby. Not every picture needs to be of the child smiling.

Once you have the portfolio pictures for your baby, it is a good idea to create a portfolio of 8×10 photographs in a nice portfolio album. Also, you will need a lot of the pictures in 4×6 and 5×7 size to distribute when you bring your child on go-sees. It is a good idea to have your professional photographer sign a release so that you can reprint the photographs yourself. This will drastically cut down on expense.

Now you’re ready to get your baby into the world of modeling. You have an agent and a portfolio. The agent will show either show your pictures to potential clients or send you out on go-sees to visit the clients in person. Try to keep your little model in as good a mood as possible and dress him or her appropriately. If you are a stay at home mom or dad, make sure to mention this. The client will like to know what your availability is. At that point, it is out of your hands. Your son or daughter will either be hired or not. If your child is rejected then don’t take it too heart, chances are that the client was looking for a different look, a curly haired baby or a redhead baby.

The world of baby modeling can be very profitable and very enjoyable. I feel that if my daughter can somehow pay for her college education while she is still a toddler then it will be well worth it, and if at any time she wants to quit then she can. Until then, we will go out on go-sees and be hired and rejected multiple times over. This is the decision our family chose and it is not right for everyone. If it is right for your family then I wish you the best of luck. Follow the guidelines above and your process will run smoothly.

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