Britney Spears: A Message from Beyond

Last week, my friend invited me to a s�©ance and I was totally shocked at what I saw and heard. So shocked that I must share the Revelation of Thurston to those who will hear without discriminating ears.

It took a lot of persuasion for me to go to a sÃ?©ance. I was raised in a family that didn’t believe in the supernatural and objects moving around in space with the exception of planets. I study spirituality but I’m not big on calling people from other existences, especially the ones who show up with attitude problems.

My real motive for going to the s�©ance was to prove to my friend that s�©ances are fake. I was ready to transform myself into a sarcastic, acerbic moron (only for 30 minutes). I wanted to expose the s�©ance as theatre and once it was over, get to Pizza Hut as soon as possible.

My friend picked me up with great anticipation. She said that she had a vision that a “profound” message was going to be channeled through the sÃ?©ance guru. The only relevant fact I wanted to hear was about my team, the Miami Dolphins. I wanted the truth about whether they were going to win the Super Bowl.

As dusk started to settle upon the city and we were driving down the expressway, I couldn’t help but notice people in their little boxes with wheels darting in and out of traffic. Trying to get home and get as much time in as possible with their dwelling, only to wake up the next day and do it all over again. Many were yelling at each other in traffic and saying words that are printable here but I choose not to write them. It’s as if some beast of fate controlled their every thought dictating the type of lives that they have chosen to exist in.

We arrived at the “guru’s” office at 7:15pm. I was expecting Merlin or Merliness to come out in a Walt Disney Fantasia robe borrowed (or stolen) from Disneys’ wardrobe shop. My stereotype of the guru fell with a thud because out came a woman with a pair of Levi’s jeans with a t-shirt on that said “Vegas or bust”. She introduced herself as “Emilia”, the “starchild” from the seventh galaxy. I got confused for a bit because I couldn’t tell if I was at a sÃ?©ance or a George Clinton concert.

Before she began the sÃ?©ance, Emilia had us to introduce ourselves to each other. The introductions consisted of name, occupation and why you came to the sÃ?©ance. One guy, who was an ex-felon, wanted to see if he would get arrested again in the near future. I’m still trying to figure that one out.

The “guru” had all of us put our hands on top of each others hands on the table. I made sure that the felons hand was where everyone could see them and switched the pants pocket of where my wallet was. I was ready to sit back and be entertained for a few minutes, hopefully, to have something to laugh at and tell the boys back at the barbershop.

She started humming in C major. I thought that was interesting because most of today’s pop music is written in Major with an E Minor thrown in to make you think that the songwriter came from the tree of Bach. The first words that she said was that we were all “enslaved to the gods of government, media and our corporate world”. She mentioned that we’ve created the realities that we hate and we can change them with a little help from our friends who have gone before us and who are with us now.

The table started to shake as if someone pushed a button on the hydraulic machine. All of sudden, I didn’t think that this whole situation was so funny anymore.

In a cloud of spiritual smoke appeared a woman with a white gown on that had tie die at the bottom, looking very young with a radiance that lit up the whole room. The felon thought it was his ex-wife and screamed in pain. The sÃ?©ance teacher told him to calm down, it wasn’t Pamela Sue Anderson!

The spirit introduced herself as Britney Spears.

Britney Spears?

Now the one thing that I do know is a hoax when I see one and this could not have been Britney Spears because she’s alive and well. I just saw Ms. Spears on television with Barbara Walters a few weeks ago. The sÃ?©ance teacher said that Britney had a message for us about her career and how it is no different than what some of us do each day.

At this time, I really was confused but I wanted to hear what Britney had to say. The guru told her to speak.

“Many people are making fun of me, my lifestyle and career, but this is what they want!” Britney said. “I’m just giving them what their conscious desires and in the end, I’m the one that’s making out like a fat cat! They are laughing at me but I am really laughing at then because the royalty checks will keep rolling in!”

“Yes, I could study my music theory and get better producers but why should I when the conscious of the world is at an all-time low. Many people don’t critically think so why should I hurt them by giving them food for thought. I’d rather people fill up on rice cakes!”

“But you, the people of the world, help create what we are living today by your collective consciousness! That’s why people like me, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton and even George W. are here. You summoned us with your thoughts and we are the ones that gladly obliged to show you what your thoughts produced! Isn’t that fun?”

Britney also stated that there are many people like her who are a symbol of excess, that think style is the way over substance. She mentioned that she was created to test the consciousness of America and to get people who listened to her music to ascend above it. Yet, she became reviled as a sex kitten and everything that is wrong with America.

I asked if I could quote her and she said, “Sure!” You can quote me! She went on to talk about how people wanted to be desensitized through government, media and the corporate world. The heaviest statement that Britney said in closing is that “we are what we are experiencing.”

Then Britney stated that she must go and she left us with words of wisdom. She stated that the systems that we live in are a product of believing in the illusion. All the worlds a stage with many characters playing parts that are given to them.

In parting back into her dimension, Britney’s voice echoed with these wordsâÂ?¦

“Don’t hate the playaâÂ?¦hate the game!”

I must say that Britney Spears taught me a lesson. I went to the sÃ?©ance looking to criticize people only to find out that the spirit of Britney Spears makes much sense when you compare what she said to what’s going on in America right now. We’re all caught up in a big machine at various levels, performing daily to sell our souls, make that extra buck, undermine our fellow worker; wanting to be seen with status that comes with the illusion called “the American Dream” which makes up new rules as we go along, shifting, weaving, becoming elusive while winking at us with coy clothing as we chase it, romance it only to be jilted at the alter – time and time again by sacrificing our souls to the realities we create.

As I got in the car, I told my friend to bypass Pizza Hut. I wanted to get home and meditate on what Britney said.

If you ask me, Britney makes a whole lotta sense!

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