Bruce Willis is Ready to Die Hard Again: Die Hard 4

Die Hard 4 is (allegedly) to be directed by the guy made the Underworld movies; his name is Len Wiseman. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this.
I think that making a fourth Die Hard film is a great thing (I am a fan of any movie franchise that stays well beyond their welcome; the movies get funnier as the actors become cheesy and old). This is why I can’t wait for Rocky 6 and Indiana Jones 4. America fucking loves their movies franchises; don’t deprive us of them, Hollywood.
I don’t know who Len Wiseman, but I can tell you he is the wrong guy for this job. They should have either gone with a Die Hard veteran, a really established dude (like Chris Columbus who wrote Gremlins and directed Home Alone; among many) or some guy nobody’s ever heard of. Picking up a director like Wiseman is a bad idea.
The Underworld movies were stupid (now, I’ve never seen them but they looked to be an excuse for Kate Beckinsale to wear leather and get chased around by vampires). What do I have against Kate Beckinsale wearing leather and getting chased around by vampires? Absolutely nothing; but it seems like any prick could have directed those movies.
The Die Hard franchise can’t put the fate of (perhaps) the greatest action character of all time in the hands of some loser like Len Wiseman. I think they should just let Bruce Willis direct the movie himself. I mean by this point he probably knows more about the process of moviemaking than most directors do. I think he would do a fine job as the director of Die Hard 4. Somebody should get Bruce Willis on this one. I’m not sure if vampires and Die Hard go together.