Buckley Day Camp in New Jersey for Summer Fun for Children

Choosing a summer camp that is right for you can be a difficult task. There are so many camps and so many difficult choices. Well I am here to recommend a great day camp to spend the summer at called Buckley Day Camp. Buckley Day Camp is located in New Jersey and is perfect for campers who want to remain close to home and have fun at the same time. Buckley day camp has all that someone would want out of a camp. The camp session lasts about seven months and has so many activities available. I spent several years there that were some of the best summers of my life.
The camp provides a bus service each day that will transport children to and from the camp. There are bus counselors that greet the children in the morning and make sure the bus doesn’t leave without them. In the mourning all of the children lineup and make sure that they are with the other children in their assigned group. In the mourning there are a variety of the activities that the children go to with their assigned bunk groups for the summer. Activities during the day for the campers include softball, kickball, dodge ball, tennis, swimming, ping pong, and basketball. The camp employs a very large American staff of counselors that are able to give each child a lot of attention to make sure that they enjoy the summer. The camp also goes on several very exiting trips such as to a water park, a Roller Coaster theme park, a New York Mets game and much more.
The lunch they serve there tastes very good and includes most common lunch meals. The camp also has several competitions among other camps in sports or other games. The competitions are competitive as campers compete for camp pride to see who is the best in their sport or field.
During the summer there are two different days that parents are allowed to come up and see the camp in action. They can watch their children interact with other children on a normal camp day.
The camp’s special event includes a Color War in which the camp is divided into two teams, one team has to wear red or blue and the other team has to wear white. Then the camp competes against each other in sports, games, and trivia challenges in the most fun of the summer. Each day scores will be announced and it fosters a sense of bonding with fellow teammates of all ages. When the competition is over the camp comes back together and resumes it summer activities.
Buckley Day Camp is a great way for a child to spend a summer. It is filled with children of various ages and backgrounds. Anyone who you will speak to in the New York- New Jersey metro area will only tell you good things about this great camp. I highly recommend that you visit the camp in session with your children if you are interested in sending them there. You should speak with the camp director who is such a nice person and is really helpful in answering questions. Also, speak with current campers there and how much they enjoy being at the camp. The price for the summer is very affordable, especially for a day camp. You can also search their website for more information. I wish you the best of luck in choosing a camp that’s right for you.