Budget Living in a Small Apartment

The benefits aren’t just financial.
Why live in a studio apartment?
* To save money on rent
* To lower utility bills
* To have less space to clean and maintain
* To avoid purchasing additional furniture
* To discourage clutter
* To discourage unwanted guests (overnight or otherwise)
* To cop out of hosting big parties
* To live in a less complicated “wabi sabi” style
* To have the time and resources to interior decorate exactly the way you want
* To encourage time outside (even if it’s on the balcony)
* To encourage creativity
What elements should you look for in a studio?
* Proportion. Even in a small space, the built-components should be grown-up sized and scaled to the room. Oven and closet doors should open easily.
* Good lighting. Look for large windows and plenty of natural light.
* Neutral palette. Carpets and walls in light soft colors make the room seem larger.
* Usable space. The square footage doesn’t matter if there are small nooks or odd angles.
* Potential to divide space. Does the flow of the room allow you to use screens, curtains, or furniture to divide areas?
* Plenty of built-in storage. Studio closets will need to accommodate everything that’s now in the bedroom, coat, and linen closet.
* Practical kitchen and bathroom. Don’t sacrifice size or utility when it comes to counter space or bathtubs.
* Apartment amenities. With less space of your own, you’ll be more likely to use their workout room and community areas.
* Balcony or patio. The outdoor space can become your dining area.
* Quality. If there’s a crack in the ceiling, it’s a crack in your entire home.
What are the essentials to studio life?
* A lifestyle compatible with simplicity. There’s no room for Carrie Bradshaw’s shoe collection.
* An ability to prioritize and live with necessities.
* Multifunction furniture. Choose a table for dining and office work both. Be wary of sofa beds, though. If there’s only one place to sleep, it should be very comfortable. Plus, unfolding every night can be a big pain.
* Organizational tools and creative storage. Have a place for everything and make use of decorative trunks and baskets, and especially wall-mounted storage.
* Wall use. Invest in sconces instead of floor lamps. Montage framed photos on the wall instead of on table tops.
* Conservative consumerism. There simply isn’t the space for bulk toilet paper purchases.
* Contemporary style. Sleek modernism works better here than country kitsch.
* Vertical furniture and art. Tall, skinny armoires and dressers allow extra floor space.
* Large mirrors. Think light and bright, clean design.
* A creative and independent spirit.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design