Build Your Own Flagstone Patio on a Budget

For the most of us “average” folks, putting in any type of walkway or patio can be too much. We put the cost of having a professional do it in our budget and get it done. However, if you want to save that money and do a little work, you can. This is the perfect time to get this done to save money. Gardening centers and landscaping supply companies discount their current year’s supply. Home Depot and Walmart are excellent places to pick up patio supplies at the end of the season.

Whenever you take on an unfamiliar remodeling or landscaping project, the first step is always research. Take the time to decide what you want. How wide? How long? When you get the basics sorted out, put together a material list.

For a Flagstone Patio, you need Flagstone. But you also need some other things. Basically you will need several 2 X 4’s, a water hose and sand. 2 X 4’s are usually 8 or 10 ft. long. You also need a 2 X 4 that is about 3 ft long to use as a skidder (to level the ground at several points in the process).

A 10 X 8 patio space would require 2-10 ft. boards and 2-8 ft. boards. These are not left around the patio when you are finished. These can be the basic grade of pine boards. If you check with the lumber customer service person, they may have a bin where mis-cut and used boards are sold at a discount. Keep in mind,they do have to be straight.

Sand can be purchased through a landscaping supply company at a discount when purchasing more than a couple of bags worth. If you don’t have the hauling capacity, you can purchase bags of sand from Walmart or Home Depot.

You will also need a hammer and a few medium to long nails.

Supply List:

Water Hose
Landscaping Plastic
4 wooden stakes (12 inches long)
2-10 ft-2X4’s
2-8 ft-2X4’s
1-3 ft 2X4 (can be a scrap piece)
Approx. 15 1 cubic ft. bags
Carpenter’s level
Shovel-preferrably a square one
Flagstone pavers (2″ thick – Most of these are approx. 1 ft wide. You will need about 80 at this size. Check with the experts at the purchase place for exact amounts, based on your exact measurements.)
5-6 nails

Once you have all of your supplies at the location, you need to measure your area again and use the landscaping stakes to mark the perimeter of your digging area. Remember you got material for an 8X10 space.

Use your shovel and break the ground around the perimeter of your patio. You will need to take 6 inches of soil out of this area. Once you get the dirt out and are sure you have 6 inches depth, take a break. When you get started again, use your scrap 3 ft. 2X4, to level your ground. Push the dirt back and forth, until you can see it is fairly level. Lay your landscaping plastic at this point to help keep grass out.

Now, get your level and place it in various points across the dirt area and to make sure it is truly level. After you get this job completed, you need to take the bags of sand and distribute several across the patio area. You need about 2 inches of sand. Take your board again and level it once more. Check it with your level again.

Get your water hose out and wet the entire area. Turn your scrap board on to the flat side and use as a tamp across the entire patio. Pack tightly. Check with the level once more.

You are ready to start laying the flagstone. Flagstone is breakable if dropped. Fit the pieces from one side to the other, top to bottom. If there are any stones that are uneven or don’t fit in the space, it is easy to score both sides with a chisel and hammer and break it off. Make sure you leave equal spacing across the whole project.

It doesn’t have to be exact, but eyeball close. Push the stones down just a little into the sand.

When you are finished laying the flagstone, the rest is easy. Just finish pouring the sand over the entire patio. Take your scrap board and rake level with the boards around the outside all of the sand. Rake any off of the stones, into the spaces. Now, you can take the perimeter boards out, carefully. Fill in the edges of the patio with either sand or pea rock. If you choose the pea rock, add that to your supply list.

Water the entire area down well. Don’t walk on it right away. Give it a day or so to settle.

Having a beautiful flagstone patio isn’t impossible. As with anything, you will have to work a little. With good weather and good luck, you will have a new patio in a couple of days. One if you have some helpers.

Enjoy your new patio. By next spring, it will be perfect for parties or family activities.

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