Build Your Sales Force With Independent Sales Contractors and Manufacturers’ Representatives

Independent Sales Representatives and Manufacturers’ Representatives are contractors who work on a commission only basis. They provide an affordable solution to implementing a sales force and are practically indispensable to small and medium sized businesses. Experienced sales managers will tell you that using these types of reps are a matter of good business sense. They’ll also say that an important step to finding quality people – is knowing where to look.

Rep Types

There are two types of commission only sales people you need to be familiar with, Independent Sales Representatives and Manufacturers’ Representatives. The word “Rep” can refer to an individual person, firm, or agency.

Independent Sales Representatives typically work to promote a single wholesaler, reseller, or services company. Most are willing to take on products that are new to market and lack brand recognition.

Manufacturers’ Representatives and Agents tend to be highly experienced within a specific market and industry. Most carry multiple non-competing product lines and represent several manufacturers simultaneously. They offer significant advantages by possessing an established client base with existing relationships in desired markets.

Now that you are aware of the primary rep types, let’s look at how to find them.

Online Search

The easiest way to begin looking for qualified candidates is to perform an online search. Do this by utilizing your favorite search engine.

For your search term, try the following format: “Type of rep + industry + location”.
Example: Manufacturers’ representative medical California.

Try different searches under each of the following:
–independent sales representative
–manufacturers representative
–commission only sales rep

Also try: Lines wanted + industry. Example: Lines Wanted Electronics.

Weed through and screen your results. Then make a list with contact information of the ones that interest you. Both rep types should be adequately represented and will include firms and agencies. The average sales company consists of three employees in a regional market, although, larger and national firms are not uncommon. Contact your prospects in the manner you prefer. Email works just fine.

Online Locator Service

A number of websites specialize in bringing together businesses and commission only sales people. Most charge a subscription fee or a fee to place an online advertisement. They maintain a database of sales candidates by encouraging reps to register at no charge. These sites can be found online by employing the same keywords and search phrases that you use when looking for independent and Manufacturers’ representatives.,,, and are leading examples of websites offering this service.


Sales rep associations exist for just about every industry. Membership will include all rep types. Most offer an option to advertise in their newsletters or magazines. They can be found online with a search term that includes the name of the industry and the words “sales association”, or via the yellow pages. Example: Healthcare sales association.

Ask Around

Word of mouth is an easy yet often overlooked method for finding reps. Ask your existing customers which reps call on them. Can they recommend anyone? If you already have reps working for you, ask them. It’s a sure bet they’ll know someone or will encounter other reps looking for new lines.

Classified Ads

Most people are already aware of and easily exploit newspaper ads. This option works best for attracting independent sales representatives and will usually produce more rÃ?©sumÃ?©’s in a shorter period of time than most other methods. It should be noted that Manufacturers’ representatives, firms, and agencies are less likely to use classifieds when searching for new products and companies.

Trade Journals

Trade journals are a great way of targeting reps that are specific to your industry. There may be several such journals for every trade. Evaluate which ones are appropriate for you. Then run ads explaining what you are looking for and the territories you want to fill.

Networking the Trade Shows

Trade shows provide excellent opportunities to find qualified reps. Savvy salespeople use these events to size up products and companies when seeking new lines and new opportunities. You don’t need to have a booth or exhibit to attract people. Proper networking will help get the word out that you are seeking representation. Visit booths and exhibits that are promoting products which are complimentary to your own. Introduce yourself. Let everyone know what you are looking for and to pass the word along to anyone that might be interested.

Try each of these recommendations and you’ll never again have a problem with where to look for good commission only salespeople.

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