Build a Simple Home Recording Studio that Will Get the Job Done!

Basic things you will need to build a recording studio in your home:

1. Home Computer or Laptop.
A. The computer must have a large Hard Drive for storing your songs.
B. The computer has to be fast enough to do live recording thru multi track.
C. The computer should have burn software so you can burn your song to cd when done.
D. The computer has to have a good sound card. I recommend Sound Blaster.

2. Studio Software.
A. Hip Hop Ejay $59.99 -Made for easy basic users, Create your music and vocals,
B. Adobe Audtion $349.99 – My favorite by far, It has multi-track options and many effects & options.

C. Fruity Loops Studio $130 – I have never used it, But it has great reviews.
D. Acid Pro 6 374.96 – Another one of my favorites, multi-tracks options many effects.

3. Condenser or Quality Microphone.
A. Your best deals will be finding a local music store or pawn shop or eBay.

4. Quality set of head phones.
A. Again shop around tell you find a set you like.

5. Accessories.
A. Band Equipment, Keyboards ,Drums, Guitars
B. Microphone Cables, Multi Jacks for dual Microphones or Head Phones.

6. A quite place to setup your simple studio.

Tips on how to setup your simple home studio.

If your computer is fast enough with a large enough hard drive and has a good sound card. Install your Studio Software and plug in your head phones to cancel out the speakers so you can record just your vocals, Then connect your microphone to the sound card. You might need a jack convertor big to small depending on your microphone and sound card. Once this is done check your microphone by doing some vocals. You will need to adjust your setting of your microphone under the sound settings. Once everything is sounding good you are ready to record or master your own songs!

Tips on Vocals:

Use a good quality microphone, If possible use a spit guard so your vocals come out sounding clear. Keep the microphone far enough away from your mouth so you do not get digital spikes in your vocals if this keeps occurring you might have to try a different microphone. Add reverb or echo to make your vocals stand out on a track. Make sure you adjust your microphone volume so it matches the instrumental you are working with.

Tips on Computer:
When recording or mastering a song try not have other programs loaded while doing this, It slows down your computer or can cause skips or even computer crashes. Save your files as the default setting for your program so you do not loose quality, Some Mp3 or Wav settings can make your loose quality of your song.

Tips on Music Creation:

Find a software that is user friendly and that has help tutorials to help your learn, and most of all have fun!

Tips on Exposure of your music:

Use the Internet there is millions of people online that would love to hear your music sign up for some websites to promote you as an artist or band. There is many websites out there to help you do this, Myspace, Mp3, SoundClick, explore and you will find what you are looking for!

Tips on Quite places to have a home studio:

A bedroom that is far from kids or loud sounds, I suggest not to do it in a garage or some where that is going to add a echo or reverb to your vocals without you actually knowing that is happening. In less your garage has walls such as dry wall that will not bounce your voice around such as a medal shed would.

I hope this article has been helpful I would highly recommend if you are serious about your music get established with a local studio not only do they know what they are doing they usually have connections in the music industry that can help you go along way as a music artist. But if you want to save money and do it yourself hopefully this article has helped you do that.

Just remember most of all have fun and God Bless!

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