Building Green: Eco-Friendly Insulation
Why Eco-Friendly Insulation Works
Eco-friendly insulation helps to clear and purify the air for a dramatic improvement in air quality. Since eco-friendly insulation is made with natural products, fibers, wood and foam, there is a lower risk of emissions and pollutants in the home. This can mean a much lower threshold for toxins and fewer pollutants year round. Newspaper, cardboard and celbar cellulose are an ideal combination in the design of eco-friendly insulation, as these materials can help filter the air and emit little or no toxins into your home.
Eco-Friendly Insulation and the Environment
Since eco-friendly insulation is also made with recycled materials, this can conserve energy and the overall impact on the environment. Using newspaper and cardboard as fillers for eco-friendly insulation means less waste is being carried off to landfills. The costs of recycling these materials for use in eco-friendly insulation is often much less than recycling them for other purposes, and this can benefit the environment in many ways. Eco-friendly insulation simply costs less to manufacture, and is a valuable choice for any eco-friendly living space or work environment.
Increasing the efficiency of your home and reducing toxins and pollutants in the air isn’t always an easy task. Even with today’s energy-efficient appliances and equipment designed to extract pollution from the air, there is no guarantee that all the air in the home stays pure and clean for the long term. Eco-friendly insulation is one option for green-conscious consumers looking for improved air quality and reduced heating and air conditioning costs.