Building Well-Stocked Pantry in Your Home

But first, what to do if you do not have an already built-in pantry storage area in your home? There are several options to meet this challenge, some are more expensive while others are easily implemented. In an ideal world, building a pantry suited to your own design and specifications in a corner of your kitchen would be the perfect option-also the most expensive and time-consuming option as well. If building a pantry is a possible solution for you, there are lots of plans and ideas online that can be found by Googling. Another premium source for plans and ideas are home improvement stores such as Home Depot, Lowe’s and the like where they offer books and brochures to help as well as associates that can often answer questions and offer ideas. If the most expensive choice is not one you’re willing to make, there are still other options for pantry storage space. One of these ideas is to purchase a free-standing pantry-type cabinet to place in your kitchen or other room in the house. Such pantry-like cabinets can be found online or at department stores such as Wal-mart and Target. Another idea that is certainly less expensive than the first two previously mentioned, is simply to store pantry goods wherever the space can be found, deciding that the advantages of a well-stocked pantry in your home outweigh the disadvantages. A full cabinet or two ,a row of rubbermaid-type tubs or lidded five gallon buckets that hold some of your pantry items are easy, cheap storage solutions to get the pantry started. Improvements and expansions can always be planned for the future.
Once you have designated pantry space in your home, the time has come to stock that pantry and create your own well-stocked pantry that will save money and provide well for your family. Take the time to think about what items to stock your pantry with, the spices and staples needed to cook with as well as canned goods and foods your family eats the most of. When it comes to buying the goods needed for your well-stocked pantry, to avoid a huge unaffordable grocery bill by buying all of the pantry items at once, keep your list handy and pick up a few items at each grocery trip. Some weeks you may be able to buy more, other weeks, less. It will add up and your pantry will come together.
Now, what about specifics of that well-stocked pantry list? I’m going to share one of my starter lists for a well-stocked pantry here, but be sure to omit things your family will not use and add items you think of along the way.
My Well-Stocked Pantry List:
Dry Goods:
flour(self-rising and all-purpose)
sugar(brown, white and confectioner’s/powdered)
dried beans(pinto,navy,kidney..)
oats and oatmeal
pasta (various shapes and sizes)
salt (iodized and kosher)
baking soda
baking powder
maple syrup
oils (olive, vegetable/canola)
cocoa powder
chocolate chips
peanut butter
soups (cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, etc)
canned beans
canned vegetables(green beans, corn, tomatoes, tomato sauces)
canned fruit(peaches, pears, pineapple and the like)
other canned goods (beef broth, chicken broth..)
pasta sauces
barbecue sauce
salad dressings(ranch, italian..)
crackers (regular saltines, graham crackers)
coffee, tea bags, powdered drink mixes
cake mixes
non-stick cooking spray
corn syrup
spices you will use (garlic power, salt, pepper, cinnamon,chili powder, curry powder, cumin, basil, oregano….)
(Remember to tailor this list to fit your family-a well stocked pantry is not functional if it is not individualized and useful.)
I’m going to include a combined refrigerator/ freezer list here as well, a short one that is definitely a big part of a well-stocked pantry.
sour cream
parmesan cheese
cream cheese
shredded cheeses
sliced cheeses
beef (ground beef, stew meats)
chicken(frozen tenders, breaded nuggets)
hot dogs
Lastly, there are a few paper goods it pays to have on hand and therefore be able to stock up at sale prices. These include:
toilet paper
paper towels
shampoo and conditioners
This is far from an exhaustive list, but it is a good start on a well-stocked pantry, adding your own ingredients will round the list out well.
Whenever you use items from your well-stocked pantry, it is a good idea to write those uses down on a master list to be replaced at the next pantry stock up or the next time you see the items on sale.
Keeping a well-stocked pantry in your home will bring good feeling sof being prepared for your family,and even prepared for unexpected company or disasters/situations that prevent a trip to the store as well. This is a very good feeling-providing for your family in all circumstances, including saving money.