Building a Homemade Residential Solar System

Building an inexpensive residential solar system
It is actually much cheaper to build your own residential solar system than to buy one. A home solar system is sold for as little as $3000, while with the aid of one of the many DIY renewable energy guide that you can find easily online, you can build your own solar system from ground up in a few hours to a couple of days.
All you will need to buy is a couple of solar cells in order to create your own solar panels. You will also need to buy one or several auto batteries, according to the amount of electricity you plan to generate. The same goes for the solar cells; you will need to buy according to the amount of power you plan to generate.
You will also need to buy an AC to DC electricity inverter. This is necessary because the power type that will be generated from the sun to your solar cells will be DC, but since most of the appliances in your home require AC to work, an electricity inverter will be important.
A charge controller will also be necessary, you can always go out and get one at an electrical store. This will be important to regulate the charge of the batteries in order to maintain a steady flow of electricity to power your home.
Some good length of electrical wires will also be needed to connect your solar system together, which you can pick up at any electrical store.
Building a residential solar system may seem to be a very hectic task, but in actuality, it won’t be very difficult if you have a good DIY guide that you should have no problem finding if you search Google. Building your own solar system is safe and will save you a whole lot on the cost of electricity than it would cost to buy an entire unit.
What I’ve shared with you in this article, are just the major components that you will need in order to build your own inexpensive solar system. But you will need to get a DIY guide so you have a step-by-step manual to follow, which will give you all the other parts you will need, and will make the process a lot easier.