Bush Admits He Would Have Gone to War Knowing What We Know Now

Okay, so now Bush admits that even if he had known then what everyone knows now he would still have invaded Iraq.

Some people are surprised by this revelation. As if Bush could possibly have it within him to invade a country he called an imminent threat even when it was proven that country wasn’t. No one should be surprised by the revelation that Bush wouldn’t need any justification whatever to invade Iraq. Nor should they be surprised by his uncharacteristically honest admission.

Somewhere in America there is a reporter right now who is going to get tired of covering the story of the disappearance of an unexceptional pretty white girl in a foreign country; who is going to get tired of covering the story of a good looking white man who murdered his pregnant wife; who is going to get tired of covering the latest distraction away from the really important story going unnoticed and uncovered by the so-called liberal media: That Pres. George W. Bush knew from the beginning there wasn’t a single weapon of mass destruction anywhere to be found in the entire country of Iraq when he decided to invade that country.

Bush is all too aware of that there is evidence somewhere to prove this. Bush is acutely aware of the fact that he never for a minute believed any of the bogus evidence that has been rolled out as proof that he made this atrocious decision based on misguided reports. The American public was supposed to find out all along that Bush was supposedly “misled.” That way he can, as usual, let the buck stop not at his door but at the door of some unfortunately underling who is stupid enough to fall on his sword.

The reason Bush is admitting he would have gone to war even knowing what he knows now is because the evidence is sitting somewhere waiting to be found that will prove he did go to war knowing what he knows now.

In the meantime, of course, we’ll have to wade through more non-stories like Scott Peterson and the runaway bride and dumbass parents who allow their high school daughter to go away unchaperoned to Aruba. Tomorrow there will be a new story pounced on by the media that has no effect on anybody’s lives but those involved. The “liberal media” will continue to run this 24/74 distraction away from the story they should be covering and Bush will get one more day of his unprecedented free ride from media scrutiny.

But take heart. Somewhere in America, at this moment, there is a reporter who will find that evidence. And unless he is being illegally wiretapped and spied on by the President to the point where he can suffer some unfortunate accident before he goes public, he will report it. And the result?

A few more people will see the light, but a lot more people will accept the Bush line that reporting anything that throws a “war president” in a bad light is more disgraceful and worthy of jail time than anything the criminal sitting the White House right now has ever done.

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