Bush Becomes First President Since the World War II Era to Oversee an Economic Expansion in Which Inflation Has Outpaced Wages

As if further evidence were needed that Pres. Bush is the most incompetent and ineffective President in US history, now comes word that he has achieved yet another dubious milestone. Remember now, that Pres. Bush became the first President since Herbert Hoover took the country into the Great Depression to actually cause more Americans to lose jobs than gain jobs. Now we have to go all the way back to the World War II era to find the last President since Bush who has overseen an economic expansion in which wages for most workers have not kept pace with inflation.

You’ll notice I said most workers. Nine out of ten American workers have now seen inflation grow faster their wages have grown since 2003. Wages and salaries today make up the smallest percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product since that particular little figure first started being kept in 1947. On the other hand, corporate profits are at their highest level since the 1960’s. You remember the 1960’s don’t you; from your history books, if not from memory. There was this little thing called the Vietnam War. It was a war American didn’t need to fight because our national security was not at stake; it was a war from which our leaders said we could not “cut and run” because it would be a disaster from which we would never recover (we did); it was a war against a tiny little country that America should have blazed through in about a month.

Just to give you even more concrete evidence of where the policies of Pres. George W. Bush are directed, consider that despite the fact that 90% of Americans living in this phantom period of economic expansion-frankly, I haven’t seen any evidence it really exists-are not making enough gains in wages to keep pace with rising prices, the huge investment bank UBS has deemed this period in American history “the golden age of profitability.”

He’s your President. Why not write him a thank-you note today for all he’s done for you.

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