Bush and North Korea

What gives? Did someone slap Bush upside the head hard enough to get him to wake up? There seems to be a measured response to North Korea, seeking diplomatic resolution. It is a different President? No, so what is the difference this time? Perhaps years of military misadventures have left the military options far less palatable. Not too mention, the North Korean army numbers around one million. Of course, we could still throw alot of ordnance that way. Is it possible that our wonderful leader has decided to be less belligerent to the rest of the world?

More than likely, he is just biding some time for awhile, until it is closer to election time. If there is one thing this President likes to have, it’s a war at election time. And with Iraq not going quite so well, a different one might be just what the corporatist ordered. When you really look at it, how much of a threat to America is North Korea right now? They need to be taken seriously, and concerns addressed. But it is not an imminent threat that does not leave time for negotiations.

I can only hope that the smarter, more cautious approach that seems to be taking place is a step toward a more realistic and intelligent foreign policy. Regrettably the part of me that sees Mr. Bush for what he is finds me far more skeptical.

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