Buying Guide: Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator System

Philips Medical Systems has recently launched the HeartStart Home Defibrillator, one of the first ‘over-the-counter’ systems available to the general public. The HeartStart Home Defibrillator is completely equipped with an automated voice guide, making it easy to understand all of the steps, and be ready for any heart-related medical emergency. Think of your loved ones, especially seniors, that are under your care and supervision on a regular basis. The minutes and seconds saved with an at-home defibrillator can literally save their lives.
Defibrillators have been created to help in the cases of a sudden cardiac arrest; this can happen at any time, and at any age. However, the risk is higher for elderly, frail, and weak individuals. Suffering from a dangerous heart attack can leave the victim paralyzed, lead to other problems down the road of heart health, and even lead to death. Irregular or abnormal heart rhythms are often indicators of an oncoming heart attack; other symptoms include inconsistent pain only on one side of the body (often an arm or a leg), and breathing problems. A defibrillator in a hospital or emergency unit delivers a shock to the victim depending on their condition.
People who have suffered multiple strokes or heart-related issues often recognize the symptoms, and they must be administered care in under 5 minutes, in almost all cases. This is essentially where a heart defibrillator plays a huge role in heart safety; time is of the essence.
The HeartStart Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a complete system; once engaged, it plays a voice recording detailing the exact steps that are needed to save someone’s life. After you pull the green handle, you simply listen for the automated voice instructions; these will guide you step-by-step through the process. The self-adhesive pads are placed on the person’s chest area, and the HeartStart Defibrillator monitors their heartbeat. After a test is complete, it determines if a shock is necessary. In the case that it is, you simply press an orange button on the side of the machine, and deliver the shock. A blue button on the system will tell you how to perform CPR after the shock is delivered; in most cases, you can use this system until professional emergency personnel arrive on the scene.
The Philips HeartStart Automated Defibrillator is one-of-a-kind; it offers innovative technology, a great coaching system, and is one giant step towards greater safety for you and your loved ones. Think of the minutes saved that can lead to saved lives over the long-term; even knowing that you have such a system close by when needed can bring relief, and an added benefit to many concerned heart-conscious people. Priced at approx. $1,200, it may be a very worthwhile investment for hundreds of homes, communities, and establishments.
Another excellent opportunity to ensure heart safety is to attend a complete HeartSaver AED Training; this is a very valuable tool and resource, that may be used in conjunction with the HeartStart Defibrillator. This training is often used by airlines, dental offices, clinics, and local emergency units to fully understand the heart-saving process. Attendance at the HeartSaver Training can help you practice with the HeartStart Automated Defibrillator also. Simply call your local American Heart Association center for details and registration. You can also visit for further details on the product and features.
The American Heart Association reports that 340,000 people in the U.S. die from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) each year. The Philips HeartStart Automated Defibrillator, along with the HeartSaver AED Training course, can set you on a very positive way towards heart safety. With the rising list of risk factors of heart disease in our society today, having an in-home defibrillator just may contribute to a substantial prevention plan for cardiac arrest. Of course, this can not, and should not, take the place of professional administration. Instead, the Philips HeartStart Automated Defibrillator can help decrease the risk of heart-attack related injury.