Buying Guide: Used Golf Clubs

As the summer days head into cooler fall weather, the timing is right for golfers both amateur and avid to look for good deals heading toward the end of warmer weather. However, even regular golfers may shirk at the high prices of golf clubs and accessories at golf shops and pro shops throughout the country. Golfers need to look to second hand shops, retail stores, and online in order to purchase new equipment or add on accessories to their golf bag. There are certainly advantages and disadvantages to purchasing used golf items, but the most important consideration for consumers is cost efficiency. Cost efficiency can be roughly figured out by looking at how often a person golfs and how expensive the golf equipment. Purchasing an expensive driver or premium golf balls may not be the best idea for the casual golfer but their durability may be important for a golf professional.

There are many places in which a consumer can purchase discounted golf items. The biggest and most common throughout the nation are places like Target, which offer a decent amount of golf equipment for a good price. As well, Target often has sales on sports equipment and towards winter, consumers can find items like golf hats, gloves, and bags on clearance in anticipation for the new crop of items. Target and other big retailers not only offer cheaper pricing for the casual golfer but are ubiquitous throughout the nation.

Second hand sporting good stores are great local sources not only for golfing equipment but tips on where to golf from avid fans that work at such places. I recently purchased full set of clubs, a bag, a golf towel, and a whole pocket full of balls for just under $80 from such a store in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. While I am left-handed, I play golf equally bad on both sides so I purchased right-handed clubs for nearly half the cost of left-handed clubs. For people like myself who don’t play golf all that much, the $80 I spent on golf equipment was well worth the cost.

However, for avid golfers and those who want to make a significant investment in their golf game, purchasing from a pro shop or golf store that specializes in golf equipment may be beneficial. Employees at such places cannot only recommend the appropriate equipment for your type of game, but many golf stores can offer customization of clubs and bags as well as golf lessons to get kids and beginners started. As well, while second hand store employees may have some knowledge of public courses and cheaper alternatives for families, avid golfers may be able to get more substantial information from golf pros at their local club. Finally, not all golfers can play equally from both sides like this writer and many second hand and retail stores do not offer left-handed alternatives. In addition to the being able to get the right club for your dominant hand, it is also important to get the right club head and shaft length for your particular needs.

Nevertheless, for kids and adults looking to get out on the golf course right away, used golf clubs offer the best option. It is important to look for a club that feels comfortable and at used and retail stores, there are still enough options to distinguish between a club with the right feel and those with the wrong feel. As well, there are usually some good finds at second hand stores, including monogrammed golf towels and unique golf towels and club covers. I got a very nice putter with the initials JLT on it and it plays very nice on the local public course. As well, there was a Wisconsin Badgers towel and course cover and a wide variety of drivers to choose from. As well, it is important to hit second hand stores at the right time, typically after the Christmas season when people sell back some of their equipment for extra Christmas cash. From January through the beginning of spring in March and April, there are usually a good variety of golf items to choose from.

Consumers should not let the expense of new golf clubs and equipment get them down, however. There are always people looking to buy new clubs, sometimes annually, and those who want to look for bargains are always going to be able to find them.

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