Buying Guide for MP3 Players

Price: The costs of MP3 players vary. Some people are unconcerned about advanced features, and prefer an audio digital player with basic features. In this case, you may be able to purchase an inexpensive device for under $100. If looking to spend less, opt for a MP3 shuffle. Although a shuffle chooses songs randomly, and the user may be unable to pick their song choice, these MP3 players can cost less than $50 .
Connectivity: Prior to downloading songs from the Internet onto the MP3 player, the device must be connected to the computer. Some audio players have parallel connections. However, if looking for maximum convenience and flexibility, choose a MP3 player that connects to the computer via a USB port or Firewire.
Storage: The storage, or number of songs that can be downloaded, will vary depending on the amount of available space. Many audio digital players include enough space to accommodate 3,000 songs. On the other hand, some MP3 players can only hold a few hundred songs. If you plan on downloading a huge song collection, choose a brand with ample storage space. If necessary, you may expand the storage space by means of a memory chip.
Battery Life: Before purchasing a MP3 player, inquire about the estimated battery life. In most cases, this information is included in the product description. Smaller units may have a shorter battery life, which required frequent re-charging. Keep in mind that select MP3 players have a built-in battery, plus a space for AA batteries.
FM/AM Tuner: Do you also enjoy listening to local radio stations? If so, consider buying a MP3 player with a built-in tuner. This way, you can enjoy your downloaded music selections, while alternating between songs played on local airways.
Size and Weight: Often times, MP3 players are carried around in pant or shirt pockets. For this matter, pick an audio digital player that is compact and lightweight.