Buying Guide to Above Ground Swimming Pools

There are many different varieties of swimming pools a very popular swimming pool is the Above Ground Swimming Pool, it is a regular swimming pool, except it sits on top of the ground instead of being level with the ground. Having an Above Ground Swimming Pool has many great advantages such as, the options you have for shapes and sizes of your swimming pool, also the different styles and colors you can choose from when installing your pool. There are also decks available for Above Ground Swimming Pools in different heights depending on the size of your pool.
Above Ground Swimming Pools also come in different varieties; Such as ‘Inflatable Above Ground, or Portable Above Ground’.
Declared “The strongest above ground pool” is the King George, it is built with 4″ wide interlocking sections of extra-heavy extruded aluminum and is 52″ deep.
Now while it is an Above ground swimming pool, you may also set most above ground pools in the ground.

Above ground swimming pools also come in a large variety of sizes, to make sure that each different size fulfills the very need of that specific category of people purchasing that specific size pool.
When buying any pool you should always look into also purchasing a fitted Cover for your swimming pool, this keeps out any unwanted debris that could otherwise fall into your pool. Having a fitted cover on your swimming pool is also a safety precaution you should always use when you are not home so no unwanted children or animals fall into your pool.
You will also need to look into the pump systems for your new swimming pool.
While even having a fitted cover on your pool, you need a filter and pump in your swimming pool because the water will get stale and algae will cover the walls and floor if the water is not constantly moving and being cleaned.

Another very, very important thing is in most states you absolutely must have your pool in an enclosure, such as a fenced yard, or a swimming pool dome, ect.
It is a safety precaution that the owner of the pool must abide for the safety of other peoples lives.

Before actually purchasing your Above ground swimming pool I strongly recommend that you ‘shop around’, not necessarily for “Price” issues, just as you may find better deals in quality overall, and for safety, and warranty purposes.
When purchasing a new Above ground pool it would definitely be a wise decision to purchase (if offered at the retailer) their extended warranty, it may be a little more pricey but in the long run it could definitely save you a bundle of money, in repairs, extra parts, filters, pumps, or professional cleanings.

Make sure when you purchase your Above ground swimming pool that you have a net, or Skimmer to collect debris floating on top of the water of your swimming pool.
Skimmers can run you anywhere from $50.00 to $100.00 dollars for Above ground swimming pools. But if you decide to go the cheap manual route, any small net will do just fine.
You should also be aware that when purchasing any pool, that you need to put chemicals in the water so that you don’t get algae and the water doesn’t go stale and smell.
These chemicals can be cheap if you find them in the right places, otherwise you are going to be spending a whole lot of money if you go to specialty stores.
They will convince you that theirs is the best and you’ve got to have it, but you can check out Wal*Mart, Target, or Fred Meyers and they’ll usually carry the same chemicals needed for the upkeep of your new Above Ground Swimming Pool.

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