Buying Guide to New Household Appliances

Starting in the kitchen you may be looking for a new style or just tired of your old appliances breaking down. Anyone who still has out dated machines can tell you that the cost for repairing them can become quite step. Some of the newest and innovative appliances today offer solid construction to minimize breakage.

The newest and most popular in kitchen appliances have been the new dishwashers. Stainless steel is now the way to go instead of the flimsy plastic. The best company that makes these quiet little beauties is none other than LG. The stainless steel models not only offer quiet operation because of the heavy duty insulation, but it also doesn’t have an exposed heating coil which means you can say goodbye to the melting of your favorite plastic containers. Although you do pay a little bit more for these units it is worth it compared to KitchenAid and Whirlpool. Not only does LG have the highest selling rate, because of the silence feature, it is a favorite because of the high powered water jets. You can literally put dishes inside that have “caked on food” and it WILL get them clean unlike the old plastic dishwasher that does not have enough power to spray off stuck on particles. So if you are looking for a new dishwasher, remember the LG stainless steel models.

Refrigerators are becoming top sellers as well with the same stainless steel features, they are better insulated to keep your food cold and range in beneficial energy efficient models. The best on the market today are the LG and Samsung. Depending on the fashion that is right for your kitchen there are many units to choose from. And with the LG Company that has been around since 1958 you know your getting a quality appliance.

The Newest and Best Selling of All Household Appliances

Many of us still have them, and use them everyday. But unfortunately it is time to ditch these old money gobbling items…that’s right our washer and dryer. Top loading washers and dryers are the worst of all household appliances to buy. They use more electricity and water than the newest models which are “front loaders”.

The front loading washer and dryers have been sold in Europe for years but are fairly new to the United States. These machines are so efficient that they use 40% less electricity and 60% less water. Even though the price is higher than the old models it is well worth it. Here are the reasons why:
• A top loading machine, on average, uses up to 40-44 gallons of water per load, the front loaders use under 20.
• The LG models have less maintenance because they have no pulleys and belts that can break easily- ultimately costing you money for repair.
• The front loaders don’t have the rotating bar in the center of the washer that tears up delicate clothing and fabrics.
• Front loading machines are able to hold more items in their super capacity units

The Best and Worst

The LG Trom is the best front loading stainless steel washing machine. The worst selling units that have a lot of problems with breakage and returns are the Whirlpool and KitchenAid washers and dryers. Many of the pieces on the Whirlpool and KitchenAid units are hollow plastic from the knobs to the inside parts that make the machines work… these parts need to be replaced often with these appliances. Unlike LG which has parts made from steel.

Where to Shop

My suggestion for all consumers reading this article: go to best buy for your next purchase. This company is not based on commissions, like sears and other popular stores in and around the mall. The average savings just for going to companies like Best Buy is between $300 and $500 off the actual price. They also give great warranties in case you are not satisfied for any reason.

I hope this Buying Guide to New Household Appliances has helped all of you ready to take the next step into the future of home appliances. Thank you to Adrien of Best Buy for lending his expertise to make sure this article was so efficient

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