Buying Guide to the Best in Baby Care

Baby Walkers and Entertainment Chairs
There are many baby “entertainers”, which are walkers, and or discs where babies spend a lot of their time. Because there are so many I will focus on the ones that are not recommended to narrow down your choices.
Sesame Beginnings Entertainer-is not recommended. This product made by Kolcraft has removable toys and small plastic pieces that can, with some applied strength from your baby, break off and become a choking hazard. There is also a safety precaution posted on this toy center: “Assembly is required”. This basically means that if something happens to your child they can not be held responsible and can easily revert the blame back to you.
The ‘Around- We- Go Entertainer’ also has assembly required although they do sate it is “minimal”. There are some risks as far as loose attachments that can break relatively easy.
The “Fisher-Price Learning Music Center”-This musical chair is voted the worst according to Babies r’ Us. It has been recalled in major retail chains so please remember that in case anyone is still selling it. Babies’ tender heads were getting lodged between the seat, and other pieces of this product. Any parent can tell you, injuries to the head and neck can paralyze and even kill your child.
Car Seats- the Best and the Worst
Car seats are one of the most important products a parent will buy. Choosing the right one can be a frustrating task when they all look the same. But, there are certain fundamentals to look for when making the ultimate choice.
The car seat that comes most highly recommended is the Graco Snug-ride. The cost is very affordable at between $70 and $90. It is adjustable, sturdy, and has passed very well in crash testing. The Britax Marathon is also highly recommended it has metal buckles instead of the flimsy plastic ones that most car seats are sadly being put together with. Other good names that provide metal clasps so the buckles will not break in harsh crashes are Greco and Even-Flo. The Britax Marathon does come with a hefty price at over $200.00.
The Best and Worst in New Strollers
The Quattro Tour Travel System comes highly recommend from consumers making this the best selling product in strollers today. It is made by Greco/Century and sells for over $200.00. This is a deluxe stroller that also comes with an infant car seat that is also attachable.
THE WORST stroller in the market today that has recently been recalled is again from Fisher Price. Fisher Price Active Gear Stand N’ Ride Duo Stroller has made a dangerous mistake. The front tray that keeps your baby snugly nestled inside has been coming loose very easily allowing many babies to fall out and get injured. The price for this dangerous contraption is around $400.00.
Monitor Montage
Every parent wants to be sure that their baby is safe and sound at every moment, but lets face it , it is nearly impossible. With all the monitors out there today how can you really tell that one is better than the other? In this comparison we will find out what exactly you’ll be spending your money on.
Angel Care puts out a product with a movement sensor for about $100.00. This includes two parent units and alarm and a nursery sound intercom. With battery back up this is ideal in case of power outages. The motion sensor of this product is a pad that lies under the mattress, so when your baby moves, you know it.
The day and night monitor with video, by Summer is also around $100.00. But this includes a whole lot more for your money. With 900 MHZ technology this product features night vision so you can visually see you child at any point in time. It captures every sound made inside your baby’s room and has two channel system to minimize interference. It also has a 350ft range for video monitor capability. This hot new item comes highly recommended making it the best in monitors today.
The Safety 1st Glow Receiver Transmitter has portable receivers but also has a couple of difficulties One of the problems is that the microphone is extremely sensitive and requiring the parents to turn it down which defeats the purpose of buying the product.
Fisher Price has finally made a good product if you’re looking for just a basic audio monitor. Fisher Price Sounds N Lights monitor sells for around $20.00 and works well for those with limited financial ability.
The Newest Product About to Hit the Market.
“Itzbeen” is brand new and is not yet out on store shelves. Parents can count on having the option of buying this product anytime within the next year. For those becoming parents for the first time, this little device takes care of reminding for changing, feeding, napping and more. It also includes a night light, alerts, button lock and a nursing reminder, making it a lot easier for new parents to organize all tasks relating to their baby.
I hope this Buying Guide to the Best Baby Products has been helpful in choosing the products that your baby deserves. A special thank you to the staff at Babies R’ Us for their help